Taso Comanescu plays Le Musette by Robert de Visée (ca. 1655 – 1732/1733) on a new Richard Reynoso classical guitar at the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA. Visée was a composer, singer, lutenist, and more at the court of French kings Louis XIV and Louis XV. Via Guitar Salon International on YouTube.
I like Comanescu’s gentle yet clean touch and very pretty ornaments. Makes me want to dig out for Visée who is not played nearly enough.
What a delicate touch on such an elegant piece! I’ve never heard of de Visee, but these Baroque works are such a charm on the classical guitar. Thanks for sharing!
Brad do you know from where I could buy a copy “Le Musette” by Robert de Visee that Taso Comanescu played on your site this month .A beautiful piece really well done.I can’t seem to find in any of my music I have.any help with this would be much appreciated