
Xu Kun Liu Plays Grand Solo by Sor

Xu Kun Liu plays Grand Solo by Fernando Sor (1778-1839). Congratulations to Liu on winning first prize (junior division) at the GFA International Youth Competition 2014 in Fullerton, Californi. You can learn more about Xu Kun Liu (Alan) via the…

Tim Beattie plays Allegro BWV 998 by Bach

Canadian classical guitarist Tim Beattie plays Allegro BWV 998 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750). You might remember his name from the Montreal festival and competition, they posted a bio of Tim here. I love how he’s really digging in and his balanced articulation…

Kevin Loh Plays La Vie en Rose

The young Singapore guitarist Kevin Loh plays La Vie en Rose (cover) arranged by Chet Atkins. Nice to see Loh branching out and keeping his YouTube channel alive and kicking! He’s in good form here with a cool and relaxed…

Leonora Spangenberger (11) plays Allegro by Bach

Another great youth player, Leonora Spangenberger (11) plays Allegro BWV 998 by J. S. Bach on a 2003 Curt Claus Voigt guitar. Video via Siccas Guitars on YouTube, a great source for high quality videos as of late. Bravo. I like…

Alexandra Whittingham Plays Dyens & Mertz

Congrats to Alexandra Whittingham, Zoltai Döme and Búzás Ágnes for their fantastic playing the the Budapest Carpath Guitar Competition 2013. I was particularly impressed with 17 year old Alexandra Whittingham who was likely even younger in this 2013 video. Her blazing left…

Kids Plays Brouwer & Pernambuco

I wish I could find the name of these kids but assume the YouTube channel is either a parent or teacher. Anyway, I was quite surprised that they were able to do so well on a full size guitar. Imagine…

Jeseok Bang plays Fandango by Rodrigo

Fourteen year old guitarist Jeseok Bang plays Fandango by Joaquín Rodrigo on a 2003 Bernd Holzgruber via the Siccas Guitar on their YouTube. For a youth player he has an amazing control over his tone and articulations. Very well worked…

Austin Youth Orchestra Play Hinsleyian Overture

More great stuff from Austin in celebration of Matthew Hinsley‘s 10th year as Executive Director of the Austin Classical Guitar Society. Here we have the Hinsleyian Overture played by the Austin Classical Guitar Youth Orchestra. “Austin Classical Guitar Youth Orchestra…

GFA Youth Winners 2014

You can see the GFA Blog Post about this. Junior Division1st: Xu Kun Liu (Canada)2nd: Chanhyeok Lee (South Korea)3rd: Kang Min Shin (South Korea)4th: Nadja Jankovic (Montenegro) Senior Division1st: John Bogan (USA)2nd: Grace Sheppard (USA)3rd: Audra Vigil (USA)4th: Seh Young…

Seyoung Park plays Brouwer Etudes 1-5

Seyoung Park is one of the Youth Guitarists I’ve been following. Here she plays Brouwer’s Estudio Sencillos 1-5. She has a great YouTube channel and continues to record. I like featuring youth guitarists because they sometimes have a fresh perspective and interesting…

Amazing Youth Guitarist from Chengdu

Gerald Garcia recently did an interview with guitarist/teacher Xu Bao in Chengdu at the Sichuan Conservatoire. A very interesting interview with an accomplished teacher. Here’s a video of one of the young students via Garcia’s YouTube. Gerald, does this kid have…

Nikita Koshkin: Changing the Guard

Nikita Koshkin (I presume) conducting his own work (also presumed) “Changing the Guard” with a youth guitar orchestra. I like the violent thrusts of sound and angular lines. Cool work for a youth group. I’m sure you are familiar with Koshkin’s compositions…