Xuefei Yang

Orchestration on Guitar Lessons by Xuefei Yang

Classical guitarist Xuefei Yang gives two lessons on orchestration on guitar, that is, a mix of imitating other instruments, phrasing, timbre (colouration), and articulation. I like these small subject-oriented lessons from Xuefei Yang’s YouTube channel. The above video is on the…

Xuefei Yang Plays Silver Clouds Chasing the Moon by Ren Guang

Xuefei Yang plays her own arrangement of one of Guang Ren’s (1900-1941) best known orchestral works. Colourful Clouds Chasing the Moon was composed by Ren Guang in 1935 for a Chinese instrumental ensemble. This comes via her great YouTube channel. I haven’t featured…

Storytime with Xuefei Yang

Stories and Advice with Xuefei Yang

Guitarist Xuefei Yang tells us about her pre-concert routine and advice on performing in public, her craziest concert mishaps, and about her experience arranging music on classical guitar. This comes via Guitar Salon International and their YouTube channel for their series of videos…

Xuefei Yang Plays Xodó da Baiana by Reis

Guitarist Xuefei Yang Plays Xodó da Baiana by Dilermando Reis (1916-1977). This comes via her great YouTube channel. The piece was also recorded by Xuefei on her album Colours of Brazil (Decca). Nice quick tempo and clean playing as always…

Zhang Weiliang & Xuefei Yang Premiere Hoffman

Premier performance of Xiang He Ge 相和歌 by Joel Hoffman for the performers Zhang Weiliang (xiao) and Xuefei Yang (guitar). This comes via Xuefei Yang’s amazing YouTube channel. Here’s the blurb about the work via her YouTube: The piece is a “source…

Xuefei Yang Plays Nocturnal by Britten

The amazing Chinese guitarist Xuefei Yang plays Nocturnal After John Dowland, Op.70 by English composer Benjamin Britten at the Boston Guitarfest 2015. This comes via their YouTube where the great vids are getting pumped out at alarming rates. Nocturnal was composed…

Xuefei Yang plays Shuo Chang by Chen Yi

Chinese guitarist Xuefei Yang plays Shuo Chang by Chen Yi at the Boston Guitarfest 2015. This comes via their YouTube where the vids are getting pumped out in some massive quantities. This is an awesome piece. Chen Yi (b.1953) is…

Xuefei Yang Plays Spring Breeze

Happy Year of the Goat! Here is Chinese guitarist Xuefei Yang in a live performance at the 2014 Chinese Festival at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. Via her Youtube: “The piece is from Taiwan, and is called Spring Breeze. This…