
Barre Exercise for Classical Guitar with Matthew McAllister

Matthew McAllister demonstrates a simple exercise to help with bar chords and the barre technique on classical guitar. This comes via his amazing YouTube channel. I also really like the below exercise. String Specific Barre Correction – Try to apply pressure…

Lesson: Beginner Technique Routines for the Right and Left Hands

Free Method Book – Beginner Video Lessons for GuitarFirst Beginner Technique Exercises / Routine for Classical Guitar Free PDF Method Book & Lesson List: Classical Guitar Method Vol. 1Youtube Video Link (HD) Some more beginner lessons for classical guitar from my…

Lesson: Left Hand & 4th (Pinky) Finger Trouble

A free lesson on left hand technique with a focus on 4th finger (pinky) troubles. This lesson was request via YouTube comments. For beginner and intermediate students of classical guitar. In this lesson I talk about left hand alignment, guitar…

Student Warm-up for Classical Guitar

Here is a basic warm-up for beginner to early intermediate classical guitarists. I made this with some of my students in mind who might rebel if it was longer than one page! I recommend that teachers get their students to…

Scott Morris Lesson on String Dampening

A lesson on String Dampening for classical guitar by the excellent Scott Morris. This lesson is via Guitar Salon International. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand all the theory or harmonic language, the main idea is that some sounds…

Practicing Scales: Versatility and Vitality

One of the biggest problems with music education these days is that many students are practicing scales in the same way, everyday…forever. For example, let’s say a teacher is using the Canadian Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) exams as a…

Basic Classical Guitar Technique Overview

Basic Classical Guitar Positions & TechniqueAn overview of the photos & diagrams from the siteYouTube Video Link Here is a basic overview of my classical guitar technique visual references all in one video. Hopefully this helps students gain a basic knowledge on how to…

A Lesson in Tone Production by Gohar Vardanyan

A nice lesson from Gohar Vardanyan and her sponsor String By Mail. Here she talks about nails and tone production on classical guitar. Gohar Vardanyan is an amazing guitarist with a clear sound and blazing technique. You can check out my detailed explanation…

Review: Ergonomic Guitar Technique by Joakim Zelmerlööw

Buy or look inside the book via Amazon Review: Ergonomic Guitar Technique by Joakim ZelmerlööwPaperback: 216 pagesPublisher: (January 19, 2012)Language: English Summary via the publisher: The method Ergonomic guitar technique takes the individual behind the instrument as its starting point, thus creating a…

Triads & Arpeggios Etude

No. 20 – Triads & Arpeggios Etude for Classical Guitar – from my technique book 20 Favorite Exercises (with TAB) but you can also check out my more extensive Classical Guitar Technique (Notation only, 122 pages). YouTube Video Lesson Link (4k) This is an…

An adaptation of Giuliani’s Op.48, No.4

No. 19 – Scale Etude (alternating i-m) for Classical Guitar from my technique book 20 Favorite Exercises (with TAB) but you can also check out my more extensive Classical Guitar Technique (Notation only, 122 pages). YouTube Video Lesson Link (4k) This is an adaptation…

Chromatic Scale in Octaves

No. 18 – Chromatic Scale in Octaves for Classical Guitar from my technique book 20 Favorite Exercises (with TAB) but you can also check out my more extensive Classical Guitar Technique (Notation only, 122 pages). YouTube Video Lesson Link (4k) Practicing scales in…