
Interview: Stefan Schmidt and the Art of Teaching

An interview about the art of teaching with German musician, guitarist and pedagogue Stefan Schmidt, February 2020, Friedberg, Germany. This comes via the Kordiuk Guitar Platform via their YouTube channel. Just a shout out to those to made the film…

Scale Studies by Aaron Shearer

Scale Pattern Studies For Guitar by Aaron Shearer

Scale Pattern Studies For Guitar by Aaron Shearer – Supplement 3: Classic Guitar Technique. Open and upper-position scales and sight-reading. 272 pages. Published by Alfred Music. Buy from Amazon: Scale Pattern Studies by Aaron Shearer This book is amazing and…

Sight Reading for the Classical Guitar by Robert Benedict

Sight Reading for the Classical Guitar by Robert Benedict

Sight Reading for the Classical Guitar by Robert Benedict – Daily Sight Reading Material with Emphasis on Interpretation, Phrasing, Form, and More Buy from Amazon: Sight Reading Level I-III, and the follow up book Level IV-V These are two books…

The benefits of slow practice via The Strad

Nice article on practicing slowly with some great pros and cons via this article from The Strad . Although this is a simple piece of advice, on a more broad scale the more guitarists listen to the advice of the…

Guitar Supports: Training Wheels for Student Guitar Positions

I recently lent my Ergoplay Guitar Support to a student and realized that it worked as ‘training wheels’ for the student’s guitar position. In other words, because guitar supports essentially put the guitar at approximately a 45 degree angle, the student…