Stephen Stubbs

Stephen Stubbs Plays Sanz and Murcia on Baroque Guitar

Stephen Stubbs (Baroque guitar) performs Pavanas by Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710) and Fandango by Santiago de Murcia (1682-1739) with Maxine Eilander (harp). This comes via the Pacific MusicWorks on their YouTube. If you’d like to play some Sanz I have an extensive collection of his works on the…

Pacific MusicWorks

Pacific MusicWorks: Baptista, Plà, Zipoli

Stephen Stubbs (baroque guitar/director) along with Tekla Cunningham (baroque violin), Christine Beckman (baroque violin), Caroline Nicolas (baroque cello), Maxine Eilander (baroque harp), Henry Lebedinsky (organ/harpsichord), Antonio Gomez (percussion), play an excerpt from their virtual release on Dec 12th, 2020 from Allegro…

Reginald Mobley and Stephen Stubbs Perform Purcell

Reginald Mobley and Stephen Stubbs Perform Purcell

Reginald L. Mobley (countertenor) and Stephen Stubbs (lute) perform Here the Deities Approve, composed by Henry Purcell (c. 1659 – 1695). Text by Christopher Fishburn. This comes via the Pacific MusicWorks on their YouTube. Another beautiful performance by two of my favourite musicians via the excellent…

Stubbs Mobley Performance Johnson

Reginald Mobley and Stephen Stubbs Perform Robert Johnson

Absolutely charming. Reginald L. Mobley (countertenor) and Stephen Stubbs (lute) perform Full Fathom Five, composed by Robert Johnson (c.1583–1633) with text by William Shakespeare (The Tempest). This comes via the Pacific MusicWorks on their YouTube. I’ve seen both Mobley and…

Michael Partington and Stephen Stubbs Play Diabelli

Michael Partington and Stephen Stubbs performing Anton Diabelli’s Op. 57, on two period guitars. Brechemin Auditorium, University of Washington School of Music, Seattle. January 12, 2014. This is such a coincidence because I recently saw Stubbs perform in Victoria twice…