Sérgio Assad

Thu Le Plays Loi Lo Blend by Assad

Thu Le performs Loi Lo Blend by Sergio Assad (b.1952) on classical guitar. This comes via Knobloch Strings and their YouTube channel. Amazing performance by Thu Le with impressive clarity to the intricate lines and an infectious rhythmic delivery. Great blending of musical styles by…

Cristina Galietto Plays The Whistling Spider by Assad

Classical guitarist Cristina Galietto performs The Whistling Spider by Sergio Assad (b.1952). This comes via Knobloch Strings and their YouTube channel. The piece was dedicated to Galietto and this is the premiere video. Wonderful performance by Galietto with so many fun articulation and zippy characters…

The Walls by Sergio Assad

The Walls by Sergio Assad Featuring Yo-Yo Ma

Fantastic! The Walls by Sergio Assad featuring Yo-Yo Ma on cello. This project was a collaboration by Sergio Assad, Yo-Yo Ma, 60 guitarists from around the world and the excellent Uros Baric. The video and info quote below comes via Uros Baric’s YouTube channel (go…

Samuel Hines - Guitar

Samuel Hines Plays Preludio e toccatina by Assad

Samuel Hines plays the 3rd movement, Preludio e toccatina from Aquarelle by Sergio Assad (b.1952). This comes via his YouTube channel. This is first time I’ve featured the excellent American guitarist, Samuel Hines. Great playing with some beautiful phrasing in the prelude and some…

Sungmin Lee Plays Preludio by Sergio Assad

Sungmin Lee plays Preludio from Sandy’s Portrait by Sergio Assad (b.1952). This comes via his great YouTube channel. I’ve been meaning to feature Sungmin Lee for awhile and his nice performance of this Assad piece is a great time to…

João Luiz Plays Hermetiana by Sergio Assad

João Luiz plays Hermetiana by Sergio Assad (b.1952). This comes via his YouTube channel. I love these causal yet virtuosic home performances by Luiz. Great musicality, laid-back, yet wonderfully zippy. Here’s what he said about the piece via YouTube (I’m very curious…

Virtual Guitar Orchestra – Kaleidokithara by Sergio Assad

The Virtual Guitar Orchestra plays Kaleidokithara by Sergio Assad with 144 players from over 50 countries. This project was created by orchestra founder Mak Grgic along with Sergio Assad and Uros Baric. The video comes via Uros Baric’s YouTube channel.…

Matthew McAllister plays Preludio e toccatina by Assad

Matthew McAllister plays the 3rd movement, Preludio e toccatina from Aquarelle by Sergio Assad (b.1952) during a session via Uroš Barič and Baros Records in Slovenia. This comes via McAllister’s YouTube channel. Great playing as usual and you can always…

Meng Su plays Sun Wukong’s Toccata by Assad

Meng Su plays Sun Wukong’s Toccata by Sergio Assad. This comes via GuitarCoop and their YouTube Channel. Amazing performance with an outrageously high level of technique, musicality, and sonic interpretation. Meng Su is one of my favourite players, I got to see her perform last…

Adam Batstone Plays Assad & Bogdanović

Canadian guitarist Adam Batstone plays Mysterious Habitats & Unconscious in Brazil by Dušan Bogdanović (b.1955). This comes via his YouTube Channel. Guitar by Kamil Jaderny 2015. Video & sound by the amazing producer and guitarist Drew Henderson. Some great playing by…

Michael Ibsen Plays Rodrigo, Assad, and Loch Lomond

Canadian guitarist Michael Ibsen plays Junto al Generalife by Joaquin Rodrigo, Dreams and Farewell by Sergio Assad, and The Bonnie Bonnie Banks O’ Loch Lomond arranged by David Russell. These come via his YouTube channel with video work by the amazing…

Weimar Guitar Quartet Plays Uarekena by Assad

The newly formed Weimar Guitar Quartet playing Uarekena by Brazilian guitarist and composer Sérgio Assad (b.1952). The quartet is made up of Karmen Stendler (who you’ve seen on the site before), Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, and Jakob Schmidt. This comes via Karmen Stendler’s YouTube channel. Great to see…