Scott Tennant

Scott Tennant plays Scarlatti Sonata K. 322

Scott Tennant plays Sonata in A Major, K.322, L.483 by Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757). This video comes from the amazing GuitarCoop and their YouTube Channel. A nice and crisp performance by Tennant with great rhythmic drive and some nice phrasing and articulations. Love these GuitarCoop videos…

Pumping Nylon Video Lessons for Guitar

Pumping Nylon by Scott Tennant has become one of the most popular technique books for classical and fingerstyle guitarists alike. It has great physical workouts to train muscles and gain finger independence and dexterity. It’s a very popular book due to its memorable exercises…

Scott Tennant plays “Angela’s Theme” from TAXI

Scott Tennant plays “Angela’s Theme” from TAXI. From the Delos CD: “Mozart TV”, a collection of famous TV themes in the style of great composers. Again, no videos of any of this, but I wanted to post the tune, so…

Scott Tennant plays Wild Mountain Thyme

We were delighted to have Maestro Scott Tennant come into the Guitar Salon International showroom to play a few guitars! Here he is playing his arrangement of ‘Wild Mountain Thyme’ on a brand new 2011 Daniel Friederich cedar-top classical guitar.…