
Scale Lesson and Exercise: Articulation and Dynamics

Scale Lesson and Exercise (Part 3 of 3): Articulation and Dynamics for Classical Guitar– This is Exercise No. 13 from my pdf book 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar for beginner to intermediate classical guitarists. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips,…

Scale Lesson & Exercise: Rhythmic Vitality

Scale Lesson and Exercise (Part 2 of 3): Rhythmic Vitality for Classical Guitar – This is Exercise No. 12 from my pdf book 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar for beginner to intermediate classical guitarists. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips,…

Scale Lesson and Exercise: Destination Points

Scale Lesson and Exercise (Part 1 of 3): Destination Points for Classical Guitar – This is Exercise No. 11 from my pdf book 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar for beginner to intermediate classical guitarists. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips,…

How to Practice Scales on Classical Guitar

Here are a few ways to practice your scales on guitar. The lesson are free to watch and you can apply these tips to any scale but the examples in the video come from my 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical…

Scale Studies by Aaron Shearer

Scale Pattern Studies For Guitar by Aaron Shearer

Scale Pattern Studies For Guitar by Aaron Shearer – Supplement 3: Classic Guitar Technique. Open and upper-position scales and sight-reading. 272 pages. Published by Alfred Music. Buy from Amazon: Scale Pattern Studies by Aaron Shearer This book is amazing and…

Major Scales for Classical Guitar

Major Scales for Classical Guitar – PDF Sheet Music and Tab for Classical Guitar. Beginner to Intermediate Classical Guitar. PDF includes notation, TAB, fingering, some diagrams, tips, and more. 32 pages. 2019 Edition. Buy the PDF at My Sheet Music…

Lesson: Well-rounded technique and m, a scales

Lesson of the Week: The importance of a well-rounded technique and how m, a scales can improve arpeggios and tremolo If you’ve had troubles improving your arpeggios or tremolo and specific exercises don’t seem to work then you might want…

Ten Classical Etudes Lesson: Study No. 10, Op. 60 by Carcassi

Ten Classical Etudes Lesson: Study No. 10, Op. 60 by Matteo Carcassi. From my PDF eBook: Ten Classical Etudes (Werner Guitar Editions). Includes fingering, notation only & notation + TAB edition. YouTube Performance and Lesson Link. This is a wonderful study for…

Practicing Scales: Versatility and Vitality

One of the biggest problems with music education these days is that many students are practicing scales in the same way, everyday…forever. For example, let’s say a teacher is using the Canadian Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) exams as a…

Ten Classical Etudes Lesson: Study No. 14, Op. 60 by Carcassi

Ten Classical Etudes Lesson: Study No.14, Op.60 by Matteo Carcassi. From my sheet music eBook (PDF): Ten Classical Etudes. Includes fingering, notation & notation + TAB edition. YouTube Video Lesson Link. This etude develops free-stroke scale-work with bass notes and a…

Simple Major Scale Patterns for Students

Two free major scale patterns for classical guitar. These are great for students learning their first moveable patterns. Some beginner students just need to get playing their major scales and reading the notation just isn’t getting through. While sprucing up…

An adaptation of Giuliani’s Op.48, No.4

No. 19 – Scale Etude (alternating i-m) for Classical Guitar from my technique book 20 Favorite Exercises (with TAB) but you can also check out my more extensive Classical Guitar Technique (Notation only, 122 pages). YouTube Video Lesson Link (4k) This is an adaptation…