Rupert Boyd

Rupert Boyd Plays Estudo N.1: Harpa Eolia by Dozza

Rupert Boyd performs Estudo N.1: Harpa Eolia by Brazilian guitarist and composer Chrystian Dozza. This comes via Guitar Salon International and their fantastic YouTube channel. Beautiful playing by Boyd with fluid arpeggios and flowing phrasing. I don’t really know Dozza’s material but I this…

Rupert Boyd – The Guitar

Rupert Boyd – The GuitarArtist WebsiteSono Luminus Records 2019 Buy, Listen, Learn More: Sono Luminus | Amazon |Apple Music | Spotify Rupert Boyd has been featured on the site numerous times and has clearly established himself as a top notch…

Rupert Boyd Plays Prelude, BWV 1006a by Bach

Rupert Boyd plays Prelude in E Major, BWV 1006a by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via his YouTube Channel. This recording is featured on Boyd’s upcoming release, The Guitar (Sono Luminus), available 04.26.2019. Pre-order via Amazon. I’ll doing a…

Boyd Meets Girl Play Michael Jackson’s Human Nature

The amazing Boyd Meets Girl (Australian guitarist Rupert Boyd & American cellist Laura Metcalf) perform their own arrangement of Michael Jackson’s Human Nature. This recording will be featured on their debut album on the Sono Luminus label (I made a new release post about…

New Release: Boyd Meets Girl (Cello & Guitar)

Boyd Meets Girl (Sono Luminus), 2017Duo Website: boydmeetsgirlduo.comRupert Boyd, guitar & Laura Metcalf, cello Buy or Listen to Samples via Amazon: Boyd Meets GirlFull Release on July 28th, Pre-orders Available. Rupert Boyd & Laura Metcalf have been featured on the site…

Review: Fantasías by Rupert Boyd

Fantasías by Rupert BoydArtist Website: rupertboyd.comLittle Mystery Records 2016 Listen to Samples or Buy via Amazon: Fantasías by Rupert BoydOr visit his website for other purchase options. Otoño Porteño by Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) (arr. S. Assad) Four Traditional Celtic Songs…

Rupert Boyd & Laura Metcalf Play Satie

New York-based Australian classical guitarist Rupert Boyd & cellist Laura Metcalf perform Je Te Veux by Erik Satie (1866-1925). Video Produced by Studio 475, and filmed at the Hispanic Society of America in New York City. Fantastic quality on the video and spectacular…

Rupert Boyd Plays Piazzolla

New York-based Australian classical guitarist Rupert Boyd plays La Muerte del Angel by Argentine composer Ástor Piazzolla (1921–1992) via his YouTube Channel. This is the Benitez arrangement. You might have heard of Boyd from his work with the Australian Guitar…

Rupert Boyd performs Llobet (+ USA tour schedule)

Check out the beautiful setting and playing in this video by NY based Australian classical guitarist Rupert Boyd. Here he performs “El Noi de la Mare”, a traditional Catalan song as arranged by Miguel Llobet. Also check out Rupert Boyd’s tour schedule…