Runar Kjeldsberg

Runar Kjeldsberg Plays Etude No.9 by Charles Doisy

Runar Kjeldsberg plays Etude No.9 en Sol Mineur by Charles Doisy (fl. ? – 1806/7) on a 19th century guitar by Gennaro Fabricatore (1830). This comes via his YouTube channel where he’s recorded a number of other works by Doisy, subscribe to…

Concerto for Guitar and Strings by B. Vidal

This is great piece and of super interest in terms of early chamber music and concertos with guitar. Above is Runar Kjeldsberg playing Concerto for Guitar and Strings by B. Vidal (d. 1800). This comes via his great YouTube channel.…

Kjeldsberg-Cordover Play Folies Duet by Bevilacqua

Nova Vita Duo with Runar Kjeldsberg and Jacob Cordover play Variations pour deux guitares sur les Folies d´Espagne Op.48 by Matteo Bevilacqua (1772 – 1849). This comes via Kjeldsberg’s YouTube channel. Kjeldsberg is playing a Gennaro Fabricatore from 1830 and Cordover…

New Releases: MicroFest, Kjeldsberg, Rinehart, Liberzon

This month has many exciting new releases by some of my favourite artists. In particular, Grammy award winning guitarist and producer John Schneider from MicroFest Records let me know about two new releases from his label. The music of Alex…