Rob MacDonald

What I Saw in the Water by ChromaDuo

What I Saw in the Water21st Century Works for Guitar Duo ChromaDuo with Rob MacDonald Tracy Anne SmithNaxos Records, 2024 Listen, Stream, Buy: What I Saw in the Water by ChromaDuo Learn more about the album via Naxos Wonderful to hear this…

Rob MacDonald plays In the Woods by Toru Takemitsu

Canadian guitarist Rob MacDonald plays In the Woods by Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996). The three movements are: Wainscot Pond; Rosedale; and Muir Woods. This comes via MacDonald’s excellent YouTube channel. Video by Drew Henderson. Excellent playing by MacDonald with clean and…

Review: Debussy & Ravel by ChromaDuo

Ravel & Debussy: Music for Two Guitarsby ChromaDuo (Rob MacDonald Tracy Anne Smith)Website: chromaduo.comLabel: NaxosProducers: Norbert Kraft & Bonnie SilverListen to Samples: Buy the Album via Amazon: Ravel & Dubussy by ChromaDuo Naxos Promo Blurb: “This album is the first to present…

Rob MacDonald Plays Forged by Räisänen

Canadian guitarist Rob MacDonald plays Forged (2005) by Tomi Räisänen (b. 1976 Finland). This comes via his Youtube channel. Video and sound is produced by the amazing Canadian guitarist/producer Drew Henderson. Rob is one of my favourite guitar players, his new music…

New Music Videos via Class Axe Workshop 2016

Here’s some of the pieces from the Class Axe Guitar workshop. The Guitar Society of Toronto with the Canadian Music Centre have created new compositions for solo classical guitar.  This year’s workshop included collaborations with guitarists and organizations in Vancouver and…

Rob MacDonald Plays Percussion Study I by Kampela

Canadian guitarist Rob MacDonald plays Percussion Study I by composer Arthur Kampela. Rob is a fantastic player and also has a great duo with Tracy Anne Smith called ChromaDuo. The video and sound is produced by the amazing Canadian guitarist/producer…

Review: Images by Rob MacDonald

Images by Rob MacDonaldWith the Madawaska String Quartet (Rebecca van der Post, Sarah Fraser Raff, Anna Redekop, Amber Ghent) & Peter Palovsky, double bass Previously published on Classical Guitar Canada in December, 2010 Canadian guitarist Rob MacDonald is well known…