Reviews and New Releases

Classical Guitar Reviews and New Releases – Accessories, Gear, Guitars, and more.

Review: Barnett / Sagework Guitar Support

Barnett Guitar Supports (Now Called Sagework) Buy or learn more via Amazon: Sagework Guitar Support Say goodbye to suction cups or clamps! This guitar support uses magnets to keep your guitar support in place. It is well worth the $96 price…

Review: Bradley Colten – Complete Works of Ernst Bacon

Ernst Bacon: The Complete Works for Solo Guitarby Bradley Colten, Classical GuitarAzica Records 2014Artist website: Buy or listen to samples on Amazon: Ernst Bacon: The Complete Works Prolific American composer, pianist, and conductor, Ernst Bacon (1898-1990) composed and conducted…

10-String Christmas with Bruno Jacques Pelletier

Just a quick link to Bruno Jacques Pelletier‘s new album “Noël” featuring an array of well known holiday tunes. I don’t know about you folks but I dreaming of a ten-string Christmas, maybe Santa will deliver! Listen to samples or…

Review: Shades & Contrasts by Christina Sandsengen

Shades & Contrasts by Christina SandsengenRelease Date: November 4, 2014Label: OdradekCopyright: Odradek Records Artist Website: Listen to samples or buy via Amazon: Shades & Contrasts Repertoire:Carlo Domeniconi: Koyunbaba (Suite Op. 19)Isaac Albéniz: Mallorca Op. 22Isaac Albéniz: Asturias (from Suite Española, Op.…

New Release: Le voyage d’Albéniz by Thibault Cauvin

French guitarist Thibault Cauvin has released a new album of works by Albeniz via Sony Music – 2014. Does the world need more Albeniz on guitar? Well, I’ve seen Thibault Cauvin play live here in Victoria and he is fantastic…

Review: Unreal City by Kostas Tosidis

Unreal City by Kostas TosidisArtist Website: kostastosidis.comContrastes Records: contrastesrecords.comReleased May 2014 Listen to samples or buy the album:Kostas Tosidis Unreal City on Amazon or on Spotify Greek guitarist Kostas Tosidis has released this intense collection of sonatas by Ginastera, Hurwitz, Ourkouzounov,…

Arturo Parra – Terra Incognita

Arturo Parra, guitarist and composerTerra IncognitaSeven sound portraitsNovember 2013 © ARTURO PARRA℗ LA GRENOUILLE HIRSUTEMade in Canada Artist Website: Arturo ParraLabel Website: La Grenouille Hirsute Columbian born but Canadian based guitarist and composer Arturo Parra released this gem last year November. You…

Review: Prolog by Classical Guitar Connection

Prolog by Classical Guitar ConnectionArtist Website: classicguitarconnection.comHofa Media | auris aurea |2013 Classical Guitar Connection, based out of Germany and made up of Erik Müller (guitar, lute) Rainer Kannacher (guitar), Philipp Rospleszcz (guitar), have released their debut CD with works by…

Review: Daniel Lippel – Sonata by Andrew Violette

Andrew Violette: Sonata for GuitarPlayed by Dan LippelNew Focus RecordingsRelease Date: July 8, 2014Listen to Sample or Buy at Amazonor Listen at New Focus Recoridngs Artist This album presents one piece: an hour long Sonata for Guitar by Andrew…

New Release & Interview with Alan Rinehart

Soliloquies and Dreams (For Janice)Artist website: Alan RinehartAlbum Programme Notes and samplesNovaScribe Editions / Alan Rinehart, 2014. Buy the Album via Amazon: Soliloquies and Dreams I’ve had the plesure of meeting Canadian guitarist Alan Rinehart on a number of occasions but…

The Techniques of Guitar Playing by Josel and Tsao

The Techniques of Guitar PlayingBy Seth F. Josel and Ming TsaoPublisher: Baerenreiter (2014)Language: EnglishPages/Format: 233 S.-29x21cmBook & CD Buy it via the publisher or The Techniques of Guitar Playing One of my favourite things about running this site and working…

Review: iv: american electric guitars by Giacomo Fiore

Check out this new release from Giacomo Fiore titled, iv: american electric guitars. You can listen to samples on his website. This is the second album of electric guitar compositions I’ve been sent recently, the last one being Adrian Verdejo’s Modern…