Nigel North

Nigel North (Lute) Plays Dowland Set

The wonderful Nigel North (lute) plays a set of works by English composer and lutenist John Dowland (1563–1626). The pieces are: Pavan “Solus cum sola,” Melancholy Galliard, Orlando Sleepeth, Lady Hunsdon’s Puffe. This comes via the Boston Guitarfest back in 2013 and their great YouTube Channel. You can buy…

Nigel North plays Francesco da Milano

Here’s some more from Nigel North from the same concert as last week’s post. Here he performs Ricercars 14 & 75 and Fantasias 64 & 25 (Ness edition numbering) by Italian composer/lutenist Francesco da Milano (1497–1543), also known as Il divino. The recording was made…

Nigel North plays Fantasie by Albert de Rippe

Nigel North plays Fantasie by Albert de Rippe (Alberto da Ripa) (c. 1500–1551) via the Lute Society of America YouTube channel. Albert de Rippe was an Italian lutenist and composer who later working in the courts of France. More info via…