Napoléon Coste

Drew Henderson Plays Les soirées d’Auteuil, Op.23 by Coste

Canadian guitarist Drew Henderson performs Les soirées d’Auteuil, Op.23 by Napoleon Coste (1805-1883). This comes via Henderson’s super excellent YouTube channel. Beautiful playing by Henderson with some elegant phrasing, pacing, and musical balance. Some exciting and zippy playing halfway through. I’ve never fully explored Coste’s works but…

Matthew McAllister Plays Etude 24 by Coste

Matthew McAllister plays Etude 24 by Napoleon Coste (1805-1883) which appears in Fernando Sor’s Méthode complète pour la Guitare. This comes via his YouTube channel where he’s recently been featuring some student level works. Great to hear professional players performing these pieces and McAllister’s excellent…

Judith Bunk Plays Andante, Op.39 by Coste

German guitarist Judith Bunk performs the Andante from Andante et menuet, Op.39 by Napoléon Coste (1805-1883) on a 2017 Bertrand Ligier classical guitar. This comes via Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube channel. Beautiful performance by Bunk with pristine phrasing and wonderful pacing throughout. I don’t heard…

Chasse, Op.51, No.9 by Napoléon Coste (1805 – 1883) and lesson for classical guitar.

Chasse, Op.51, No.9 by Coste (Lesson, PDF)

Chasse, Op.51, No.9 by Napoléon Coste (1805 – 1883) and lesson for classical guitar. This comes from my Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 5 book. Five pieces at the grade 5 level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece. Chasse, No.9…

Johan Löfving Plays Les Soirées d’Auteuil Op.23 by Coste

Johan Löfving performs Les Soirées d’Auteuil Op.23 by Napoléon Coste (1805-1883) via Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube channel. Great to see this video of Löfving after doing a review of his amazing new album last week. I don’t know the works of…

Thomas Viloteau Plays Grande Sérénade Op.30 by Coste

Thomas Viloteau plays Grande Sérénade Op.30 by Napoléon Coste (1805-1883). This comes via his fantastic YouTube channel. Viloteau is one of my favourite players for his balanced musical approach, virtuosity, and down to Earth videos. He’s a former GFA winner…

Grade 1 Lesson: Exercise No.11 by Napoléon Coste

This lesson comes from my new book Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 1 – Eight pieces at the grade one level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece. Check it out at Werner Guitar Editions! Lesson: Exercise No.11 by Napoléon Coste…

Liying Zhu Plays Rondeau Op. 12 by Coste

Liying Zhu plays by Rondeau de Concert Op. 12 Napoléon Coste (1805–1883). This comes via GuitarCoop and their fantastic YouTube Channel. Liying Zhu is one of my favourite guitarists of our time, amazing virtuosity mixed with elegant phrasing and dynamics put her in the…

Lesson: Coste Etude No.23 with Gohar Vardanyan

Gohar Vardanyan (sponsored by Strings by Mail) performs and teaches a lesson for Etude No. 23, Op. 38 by Napoléon Coste (1805–1883). This comes via her YouTube channel where she has been posting a number of etude lessons (check it out and subscribe). Vardanyan’s…

Andrew Zohn Plays Fantasies Op.16 by Coste

American guitarist Andrew Zohn plays Fantasies sur deux motifs de la Norma, Op. 16 by French guitarist and composer Napoléon Coste (1805–1883). Recorded at the Schwob School of Music in Columbus, Georgia.Sound engineer, Matt McCabe. Video & Editing by the…

Aniello Desiderio Plays Fantaisie Dramatique Op.31 by Coste

Aniello Desiderio plays Napoleon Coste – Fantaisie Dramatique ‘Le Depart’, Op.31, via GITAROMANIA – IX International Festival and Competition in memoriam Łukasz Pietrzak 15-16 February 2013 in Jelenia Góra – Poland. Very beautiful intro followed by some intense romantic flourish at…