
Pastiches Cover

Pastiches by John Schneider

Pastiches John Schneider, GuitarsMatthew Cook, Percussion Gloria Cheng, HarpsichordMicrofest Records, 2024 Buy or Learn about the Album via MicroFest Records or Listen on Spotify Great to hear the new release from Grammy Award winning guitarist John Schneider. Pastiches highlights an…

Aufs Lautenwerk by Daniel Lippel

Aufs Lautenwerk by Daniel Lippel

Aufs Lautenwerk by Daniel Lippel “Aufs Lautenwerk presents three beloved masterworks in their original keys on a classical guitar refretted in Baroque well temperament. They were written at and for the keyboard, where each key has its own unique Affekt. Aufs Lautenwerk is…

New Releases: MicroFest, Kjeldsberg, Rinehart, Liberzon

This month has many exciting new releases by some of my favourite artists. In particular, Grammy award winning guitarist and producer John Schneider from MicroFest Records let me know about two new releases from his label. The music of Alex…

The Wayward Trail by Elliot Simpson

The Wayward TrailElliot Simpson, Just Intonation GuitarMicroFest Records 2015Executive Producer: John Schneider Buy or listen to Samples on Amazon or SoundCloud The last two album reviews featuring just intonation were John Schneider’s Harry Partch and Ben Johnston recordings. Through his…

Harry Partch – Plectra and Percussion Dances

Harry Partch: Plectra and Percussion DancesMusic of Harry Partch, Vol. 2Bridge Records, 2014 Listen to samples or buy on Amazon: Harry Partch: Plectra and Percussion Dances A big congratulations to John Schneider and the Partch ensemble for their 2014 Grammy…

Ben Johnston: Ruminations (with John Schneider)

Microfest Records, 2014Produced by John SchneiderAlbum Notes via Microfest Buy or listen to samples via Amazon:Ben Johnston: Ruminations I was very excited to receive this new release filled with excellent performances and the intriguing music of Ben Johnston. Guitarist John Schneider is…