Matt Palmer

Matt Palmer Plays Torroba

Matt Palmer plays the Andante from Sonatina by Spanish composer Federico Moreno Torroba (1891-1982). This comes via his great YouTube Channel and his sponsor, Strings by Mail. Expressive but still nice and clean playing. The guitar was a January 2016 model…

Matt Palmer plays Julia Florida by Barrios

Matt Palmer plays Julia Florida by Agustín Barrios Mangoré (1885–1944). This comes via his great YouTube Channel. The guitar is a “La Leona” replica built by Michael Thames (spruce, cypress) that was one day old at the time of recording. “The…

Matt Palmer plays Night by Rudnev

Guitarist Matt Palmer plays Night by guitarist and composer Sergei Rudnev. Palmer is a great player and the Director of Guitar Studies at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, and Coordinator of the Eastern Shore Guitar Festival and Workshop. You can…

Matt Palmer Plays La Joia by Vicente Asencio

Matt Palmer playing Vicente Asencio’s La Joia, from Collectici Intim, on a 2002 Edmund Blochinger classical guitar at the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA. I really like Palmer’s playing, he has all the virtuosity of modern players but also…