Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco

Lorenzo Micheli plays Quién más rendido (Op.195) by Tedesco

Italian guitarist Lorenzo Micheli plays XIII. Quién más rendido? (Book III)  from Caprichos de Goya, op. 195 by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968). This comes via Micheli’s great YouTube channel. I’m sure you already know Micheli from his GFA win or his work…

Adam Levin plays La Primavera by Tedesco

Adam Levin playing La Primavera from Platero y Yo by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895–1968) on a 2012 Jeffrey Elliott classical guitar. This comes via Guitar Salon International and their YouTube channel. One can never get enough of Tedesco’s excellent motivic writing and Levin’s energetic…

Eliška Lenhartová plays Tedesco

Eliška Lenhartová plays Tempo di minuetto from Sonata Omaggio a Boccherini by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895–1968) on a 1984 José Luis Romanillos “La Pagés” guitar. This comes via the excellent Siccas Guitars in Germany and their amazing and relentless YouTube channel. Also see my previous post of…

Tariq Harb Plays Capriccio Diabolico Op.85 by Tedesco

Guitarist Tariq Harb plays Capriccio Diabolico “Omaggio a Paganini”, Op.85 by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895–1968). Video by Drew Henderson. This comes via his amazing YouTube Channel. He has a great blurb about the work on his YouTube: One of my absolute favourite…

Vickers Bovey Guitar Duo Play Tedesco

Vickers Bovey Guitar Duo (Julian Vickers & Daniel Bovey) play Prelude and Fugue in F# Minor from Les Guitares bien tempérées (The Well-Tempered Guitars), Op. 199 (24 preludes and fugues in all 24 major and minor keys, 1962) by Mario…

Marco Musso plays Capricho No. 20 by Tedesco

Marco Musso plays Capriccio No. 20 ‘Obsequio a el Maestro’ from 24 Caprichos de Goya op. 195. by Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco (1895–1968). This comes via Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube channel. Nice to be introduced to the playing of…

Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo Play Castelnuovo-Tedesco

The Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo are Connie Sheu and Adam Pettit playing the 3rd movement of Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo–Tedesco’s (1895–1968) Sonatina Canonica on two “pre-Millenium” guitars built by Thomas Humphrey (so-called because they pre-date his famous Millenium model guitars. Recorded…

Seyoung Park Plays Tedesco

A follow up to the post of the other Youth winner Xu Kun Liu from a few days ago. Seyoung Park Plays Vivo ed energico from Sonata by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968). You can check out more videos from Seyoung Park…

Jérôme Ducharme plays Tedesco Op. 71

Canadian guitarist Jérôme Ducharme plays Variations à travers les siècles (Variations through Centuries), Op. 71 (1932) by Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895–1968). Nice to hear this early work by Tedesco which I’ve never actually heard before. He wrote this one…

Altius Guitar Duo Play Tedesco

Altius Duo (Adam Batstone & Chad Yacobucci) play Prelude and Fugue no. XV in A major by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895 – 1968). Audio and Video Produced by Drew Henderson. Guitars by Bruno Boutin and Greg Byers. Tedesco was an Italian…

TwoFourTwelve play Prélude et fugue by Tedesco

Duo TwoFourTwelve play Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Prélude et Fugue No.IV from Les Guitares bien tempérées, Op. 199. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895–1968) was an Italian composer and one of the few real treats of the modern guitar repertoire. His music is fantastic and these…

Emanuele Buono plays Quintetto op.143 by Tedesco

Good music, good player. I don’t know much about the Italian scene but glad to find this player. Emanuele Buono from Italy playing Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco Quintetto per chitarra e quartetto d’archi op.143. Quartetto Perosi: M.Bianchi, M.Coco, M.Redegoso, C.Merlo.