Liying Zhu

Liying Zhu Plays Danza Colombiana by Langer

The amazing Liying Zhu performs Danza Colombiana from Suite Latina by Michael Langer on a 2022 Dietmar Heubner classical guitar. This comes via Guitar Salon International and their YouTube channel. Every time I hear Liying Zhu play I’m blown away by her virtuosity and overall musicality. Her playing is so fluid,…

Liying Zhu Plays Rondeau Op. 12 by Coste

Liying Zhu plays by Rondeau de Concert Op. 12 Napoléon Coste (1805–1883). This comes via GuitarCoop and their fantastic YouTube Channel. Liying Zhu is one of my favourite guitarists of our time, amazing virtuosity mixed with elegant phrasing and dynamics put her in the…

Liying Zhu Plays Barrios Tremolo

Chinese guitarist Liying Zhu plays Una limosna por el amor de Dios (El Ultimo Tremolo) by Paraguayan composer Agustìn Barrios Mangorè (1885-1944). This comes via the excellent D’Addario Foundation on their Youtube channel. I love her playing, so clean yet…

Liying Zhu Plays Etude No. 2 by Villa-Lobos

Liying Zhu plays Étude No. 2 by Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959). I featured Liying Zhu last week playing Barrios tremolo. I’m so impressed with the combination of accuracy and musicality. Love the mild echo on the repeats yet awesome maintenance of…

Liying Zhu Plays Barrios

Liying Zhu plays Una limosna por el amor de Dios by Paraguayan composer Agustìn Barrios Mangorè (1885-1944) on a 2013 Antonius Müller. Her relaxed and accurate touch is fantastic. You can learn more about her via her D’Addario bio page:…