
Lesson: Right Hand Planting (Preparation)

Lesson of the Week for Classical Guitar The main benefits of this are: 1. Accuracy Development 2. Reflex and Speed Development 3. Articulation 4. Security or Physical Confidence. It’s also a way to practice arpeggios in your right hand rather than just playing patterns…

Lesson: Chromatic Scale Triplet Pattern

Lesson of the Week for Classical Guitar Chromatic Scale Triplet Pattern The three main benefits of this are: 1. Left Hand Dexterity and workout 2. Right hand alternation and string crossings 3. synchronization of both hands. The book I mention can…

Lesson: Using the 4th finger in first position

This video lesson covers the question: Should beginner classical guitar students learn to play D and G in the first position (top strings) with the 4th finger or the 3rd finger? My answer is to use the 4th finger because…

Tips and Advice for Beginner Classical Guitarists

Tips and Advice for Beginner Classical GuitaristsYouTube Video Link This video is part of my free online curriculum at the lesson archive page. This is a lesson for beginner classical guitarists. We’ve already looked at the sitting position, left and right…

Lesson: Arpeggio Patterns on Single Strings

Lesson of the Week for Classical Guitar Practicing Arpeggio Patterns on Open Strings The three main benefits of this are: 1. Increased Right Hand Accuracy, 2. Creation of a compact hand position, and 3. Reminding the thumb to play in front…

Lesson: Muting Strings During Cross-String Trills

A Lesson on Muting Strings During Cross-String Trills – In this lesson I cover the difference in technique and sound between single-string trills and cross-string trills as well as the resulting pitch and harmonic intervals. Not muting your cross-string trills…

Rondeau in A by David Kellner for Guitar

David Kellner (1670–1748) was a German composer of the baroque period and a contemporary of Bach. He wrote a sizeable amount of compositions for the lute but also theory of music and equal temperament. His diagram of the circle of…

Lesson: Right Hand Thumb Position

Video Lesson of the Week – Right hand thumb position and exercises for classical guitar. Here’s the Youtube Video Link if you’d like to watch it there. I also cover a left hand exercise near the end of the video.…

Lesson: Prelude No. 4 by Villa-Lobos

A full video lesson tutorial for Prelude No. 4 by Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) for classical guitar. I go through the four main sections, discussing the piece and demonstrating. This is a great piece for both pros and students. In particular, I like…

Lesson: The Spider – Left Hand Exercise

Lesson of the week: “The Spider” Left Hand Finger Independence and Stretch Exercise. This exercise comes from one of the most popular books for the classical guitar: Pumping Nylon by American guitarist Scott Tennant. It’s a great reference/exercise book with short memorable…

Lesson: Shifts and String Noise on Guitar

This is from my Lesson of the Week segment of the site. A lesson on shifts and string noise for classical guitar using Ricardo Iznaola’s Kitharologus: The Path to Virtuosity (Amazon). This is exercise No. 37 in level 3. I’d put…

Tatyana Ryzhkova Warm-up Lesson

Belorussian guitarist Tatyana Ryzhkova gives a nice lesson on melodic work, tremolo, and other warm-up exercises. This comes via her popular YouTube Channel. I haven’t been posting her lesson videos but this one is nice because the student can see more…