
Allemande, BWV 996 by Bach (Lesson, PDF)

Performance, Lesson, Sheet Music: Allemande from Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Bach Sheet Music, Tab, or Free Unfingered Edition Here’s the second lesson for my edition of the Suite in E Minor, BWV 996. In this video I…

Lesson: Slurs in Groups of Six and Rhythmic Accents

Closed Slurs in Groups of Six and Rhythmic Accents. Slurs (hammer-ons, pull-offs, in sextuplets) from page 89 in my technique book. Try to emphasize rhythmic groups of three in your accent pattern and follow the usual left hand technique advice…

Lesson: Practicing Technique Through Your Repertoire

Lesson: Practicing and creating technique exercises from your repertoire. How to create a small technique warmup for your pieces. As and example I’m using An Malvina by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856). From Bardenklänge, Op.13. You can see the piece in…

An Malvina by Mertz from Bardenklänge, Op.13. PDF sheet music or tab for classical guitar.

An Malvina by Mertz (PDF, Lesson)

An Malvina by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856). From Bardenklänge, Op.13, Héft 1, No.1. PDF sheet music for classical guitar and a free performance and lesson video. Includes both a notation-only edition and tab edition. The level is late-intermediate to advanced (grade 7-8).…

Minka by Mertz for Classical Guitar

Minka by Mertz for Guitar (Free PDF, Lesson)

Minka (Rysk Folkeina) arranged for guitar by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856). Free Sheet Music and Tab for Classical Guitar. Comes with both a free Notation-Only Edition and TAB Edition. Left hand fingering. PDF Download. Level is early-intermediate (grade 3-4).. Free PDF Sheet Music or Tab  The subtitle on…

Left Hand Horizontal Alignment Exercise

A lesson on my Left Hand Horizontal Alignment Exercise (1-4-2-4-3-4) – From Horizontal Exercises (Page 57) in my technique book. I’ve notated the exercises on the third string, but play the pattern on all six strings. You don’t need to…

Lesson: C Major Scale in 6ths for Guitar

A lesson on a C Major Scale in Sixths – Scales in 6ths follow the pattern of the harmonized major scale (same as the scale in 3rds). In this lesson I talk about the technique involved in playing the scale,…

Lesson: Alignment & Slur Exercise with Fixed Fingers

Lesson: Alignment & Slur Exercise with Fixed Fingers

Alignment and Closed Slurs (using fixed fingers) – This is from page 84 in my technique book (link below). Place the indicated fixed fingers on the third string and hold down for the entire line. Do not play the fixed…