
Q&A Lesson: Correcting Bad Habits

Q&A Lesson: Correcting Bad Habits in Practicing Music and Classical Guitar. Thanks to all my patrons and supporters who submitted questions. If you enjoyed this lesson please consider supporting the site. Here’s the YouTube link if you want to watch the video there. If you are…

Prelude A Minor, Op.59 by Carcassi (Free PDF)

Prelude in A Minor from Méthode complète pour la guitare, Op.59 by Matteo Carcassi (1792-1853). Free PDF sheet music, performance, and lesson video for classical guitar. Mid-Beginner level, for use after my Method Book Volume 1 or during my Volume 2.…

Lachrimae (Poulton No.15) by John Dowland for Guitar

Lachrimae (Poulton No.15) by John Dowland (1563-1626). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar. Originally for Renaissance lute. Includes both a notation-only edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is early-advanced (grade 9). This is a PDF Download. My PDF Sheet…

Lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.21-24

A lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.21, 22, 23, and 24 for classical guitar from 120 Arpeggio Exercises for the Right Hand, Op.1 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829). My lesson covers some technique tips, fingering concepts, and the double rest stroke in the…

Easy Tutú Marambá, Brazilian Folk Song (Free PDF)

Tutú Marambá (Lullaby), Brazilian Folksong. Free PDF sheet music and lesson for classical guitar. Mid to Late-Beginner level, for use during or after my Method Book Volume 1. Free PDF Sheet Music Edition Tutu Maramba for Guitar (Free PDF) ↓ This…

Lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.18, 19, 20

A lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.18, 19, and 20 for classical guitar from 120 Arpeggio Exercises for the Right Hand, Op.1 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829). My lesson covers some technique tips, fingering concepts, and the double rest stroke in the thumb…

La Traditora (Saltarello) by Marco Dall’Aquila

La Traditora No.2 (Saltarello) by Marco Dall’Aquila (c.1480-1538). PDF sheet music for classical guitar. Includes both a notation-only edition and tab edition. Left hand fingering. Tuning and fingering is for relative lute tuning (3rd string to F sharp). Intermediate, Grade 6 depending on…

Gnossienne No.1 by Erik Satie for Guitar

Gnossienne No.1 by Erik Satie (1866-1925) arranged for classical guitar. PDF sheet music or tab edition for classical guitar. Comes with both a notation-only edition and a tab edition. Late-Intermediate (grade 7). This is a PDF download. My PDF Sheet Music Edition Gnossienne No.1…

Q&A Lesson: Practicing Scales

Q&A Lesson: Practicing Scales on Classical Guitar. Thanks to all my patrons and supporters who submitted questions. If you like these lessons please consider supporting the site. If you are looking for organized scales and exercises you might check out my full technique book with…

Sonata No.9 by Giovanni Zamboni

Sonata No.9 by Giovanni Zamboni

Sonata No.9 a by Giovanni Zamboni (c.1650-1721). From Sonate d’intavolatura di liuto Op.1. PDF Sheet Music arranged for classical guitar. Originally for archlute. Movements: Preludio, Alemanda, Giga, Sarabanda, Gavotte. Comes with both a notation-only edition and a tab edition. Left hand fingering. The level is early-advanced depending on…

Lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.16-17

A lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.16-17 for classical guitar from 120 Arpeggio Exercises for the Right Hand, Op.1 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829). My lesson covers some technique tips, muting of the bass during rests, and the difficulty of using a two…

Q&A Lesson: Slurs on Classical Guitar

Q&A Lesson: Slurs (Hammer-ons, Pull-offs) on Classical Guitar. Thanks to all my patrons and supporters who submitted questions. If you enjoyed this lesson please consider supporting the site. If you are looking for organized slur exercises you might check out my full technique…