Leo Brouwer

Yuri Liberzon plays Brouwer

Yuri Liberzon plays Danza del Altiplano by Cuban composer Leo Brouwer (b.1939). You can also check out Yuri’s album by clicking the link in the right sidebar or by visiting his website. Sheet Music: You can get the sheet music…

Leo Brouwer – Late 1960 – Early 70s

A rare find of Cuban composer Leo Brouwer (1939) playing sometime in the late 60s or early 70s. Nice camera angles, up and close! Plus, he really goes for it!

Kids Plays Brouwer & Pernambuco

I wish I could find the name of these kids but assume the YouTube channel is either a parent or teacher. Anyway, I was quite surprised that they were able to do so well on a full size guitar. Imagine…

Seyoung Park plays Brouwer Etudes 1-5

Seyoung Park is one of the Youth Guitarists I’ve been following. Here she plays Brouwer’s Estudio Sencillos 1-5. She has a great YouTube channel and continues to record. I like featuring youth guitarists because they sometimes have a fresh perspective and interesting…

Tariq Harb Plays Passacaglia for Eli by Brouwer

Tariq Harb plays An Idea – Passacaglia for Eli Leo Brouwer dedicated to guitarist Eli Kassner, founder of the Toronto Guitar Society. An Idea for solo guitar was written for the 75th birthday of Eli Kassner at Cordoba April, 1999.…

Review: Sonata by Cesar Rojas

Sonata by Cesar RojasArtist Website: cesarrojasguitar.com Highlights: The Dowland is beautiful with great shaping and phrasing. The Dyens is played with ease which is no easy feat. Columbian born guitarist Cesar Rojas is currently based out of Toronto, Canada.  I recall…

Louis Xavier Barrette plays La Toccata de Pasquini by Brouwer

Via the GFA Youth Competition: Louis Xavier Barrette plays La Toccata de Pasquini by Brouwer. The level of youth players continues to amaze me. Great performance with virtuosity and maturity. Nice one. La Toccata de Pasquinicomposed by Leo Brouwer (b.…