Laura Metcalf

Boyd Meets Girl Play Michael Jackson’s Human Nature

The amazing Boyd Meets Girl (Australian guitarist Rupert Boyd & American cellist Laura Metcalf) perform their own arrangement of Michael Jackson’s Human Nature. This recording will be featured on their debut album on the Sono Luminus label (I made a new release post about…

New Release: Boyd Meets Girl (Cello & Guitar)

Boyd Meets Girl (Sono Luminus), 2017Duo Website: boydmeetsgirlduo.comRupert Boyd, guitar & Laura Metcalf, cello Buy or Listen to Samples via Amazon: Boyd Meets GirlFull Release on July 28th, Pre-orders Available. Rupert Boyd & Laura Metcalf have been featured on the site…

Rupert Boyd & Laura Metcalf Play Satie

New York-based Australian classical guitarist Rupert Boyd & cellist Laura Metcalf perform Je Te Veux by Erik Satie (1866-1925). Video Produced by Studio 475, and filmed at the Hispanic Society of America in New York City. Fantastic quality on the video and spectacular…