Kevin Loh

Matthew McAllister Interviews Kevin Loh

Check out the latest interview on Matthew McAllister‘s YouTube Curator Series. Go subscribe to his channel now! Here he interviews the amazing Singapore guitarist Kevin Loh who I’ve featured on the site many times and is such a wonderful person and player. Matthew interviews Kevin Loh and discusses…

Kevin Loh Plays Candómbatan by Pujol

Singapore guitarist Kevin Loh plays Candómbatan from Cuatros Piezas Cristalinas by Argentine composer Máximo Diego Pujol (b. 1957). This comes via his YouTube channel. Loh is a wonderful player with nice phrasing and solid technique and seems like a super nice guy.…

Ekachai – Loh Play Sanzen-in by York

Kevin Loh and Ekachai Jearakul play Sanzen-in (三千院) by Andrew York. This comes via Loh’s great YouTube Channel. Loh had this to say and more (check his YouTube): “Andrew York was inspired to write this piece, Sanzen-in, when he visited the…

Kevin Loh Plays Telemann Fantasia VI

Singapore guitarist Kevin Loh plays Fantasia VI from 12 Fantasias for Violin without Bass, TWV 40 (1735) composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 – 1767), arranged by Carlo Marchione. This comes via his YouTube Channel. Nice close up of the hands in this…

Suite Buenos Aires for Guitar & Flute by Pujol

Singapore guitarist Kevin Loh (19) and flutist Roberto Alvarez plays the first movement Pompeya from Suite Buenos Aires by Argentine composer Máximo Diego Pujol (b. 1957). This comes via Kevin Loh’s great Youtube. Great playing by Loh here with some good aggressive accents for this fun…

Kevin Loh Plays La Vie en Rose

The young Singapore guitarist Kevin Loh plays La Vie en Rose (cover) arranged by Chet Atkins. Nice to see Loh branching out and keeping his YouTube channel alive and kicking! He’s in good form here with a cool and relaxed…

GFA Youth Winner Kevin Loh plays Paganini

Congrats to Kevin Loh for winning the youth section of the GFA competition. Sonata in E majorI. MinuettoII. Rondo (4:20)composed by Niccoló Paganini (1782-1840)performed by Kevin Loh July 1, 2012 – Sottile TheatreCollege of Charleston2012 Guitar Foundation of AmericaInternational…