Karmen Stendler

Letter from Home by Pat Metheny

Stendler & Antigüedad Play Letter from Home by Metheny

Karmen Stendler and David Antigüedad play Letter from Home by Pat Metheny, arranged by Antigüedad. This comes via Stendler’s great YouTube channel. Beautiful little arrangement of this classic tune by famous jazz and all around amazing guitarist Pat Metheny. Great…

Karmen Štendler plays Divagazioni by Decorti

Slovenian guitarist Karmen Štendler plays Divagazioni by Italian composer Claudio Decorti (1936-2018) who dedicated the work to her shortly before his passing. This comes via Štendler’s YouTube Channel with recording by the amazing Uros Baric at Baros Records in Slovenia. As she mentions,…

Weimar Quartet Play Basque Songs by Guridi

Weimar Guitar Quartet (Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, Karmen Stendler, Jakob Schmidt) play Basque Songs by Jesús Guridi (1886 – 1961). You can read about the piece below via Stendler’s YouTube but also see my recent post about their fantastic debut album. Have fun…

Weimar Guitar Quartet – Debut Album

Weimar Guitar QuartetStephanie Jones, Hanna Link, Karmen Stendler, Jakob SchmidtWeimar Guitar Quartet WebsiteDebut Album, Released 2019, Germany Buy or Learn More via their website, or Amazon, iTunes, el al. Having featured the Weimar Guitar Quartet and its members on the…

Weimar Guitar Quartet Play Nebulae by Olga Amelkina-Vera

Weimar Guitar Quartet playing Nebulae by Belorusian composer Olga Amelkina-Vera. The quartet is made up of Karmen Stendler, Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, and Jakob Schmidt. This comes via Stendler’s YouTube channel or Jones’s Youtube. Great playing by this super group of young artists. I really enjoy…

Karmen Štendler Plays Six Balkan Miniatures by Bogdanović

Slovenian guitarist Karmen Štendler plays Six Balkan Miniatures by Serbian-born, American composer Dušan Bogdanović (b.1955). This comes via her fantastic YouTube channel with a special thanks/shoutout to David Antigüedad Mangas and Uroš Barič at Baros Studio. Great playing by Štendler, filled with sharp articulations…

Weimar Guitar Quartet Play Sunfish by Westlake

The young Weimar Guitar Quartet playing Sunfish, the 2nd movement from Six Fish by Nigel Westlake. The 1st movement, Guitarfish, was uploaded by Stephanie Jones on her channel.The quartet is made up of Karmen Stendler (who you’ve seen on the site before), Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, and…

Karmen Stendler Plays Capricho Árabe by Tarrega

Slovenian guitarist Karmen Štendler plays Capricho Árabe by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). This comes via her YouTube Channel and the amazing Uros Baric at Baros Records and studio in Slovenia. This is one of Tárrega’s most famous works with its rich and dark…

Weimar Guitar Quartet Plays Uarekena by Assad

The newly formed Weimar Guitar Quartet playing Uarekena by Brazilian guitarist and composer Sérgio Assad (b.1952). The quartet is made up of Karmen Stendler (who you’ve seen on the site before), Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, and Jakob Schmidt. This comes via Karmen Stendler’s YouTube channel. Great to see…

Karmen Stendler Plays Chiton by Uroš Rojko

Slovenian guitarist Karmen Stendler plays Chiton, written by a Slovenian composer Uroš Rojko (1954, Ljubljana). Recorded live in March 2015 at 2d Recording Studio in Slovenia. Played on a Darryl Perry guitar. Last week I posted another one with Stendler, Duo 206 with Stendler…

Duo 206 play Quasar by Nejc Kuhar

Duo 206 with Slovenian guitarist Karmen Stendler and Neza Torkar play Quasar by Slovenian composer Nejc Kuhar. Recorded live in March 2015 at 2d Recording Studio in Slovenia. Nice little piece with lots of twists and turns and very well performed and…