Julio Sagreras

Matthew McAllister Plays Nostalgia by Sagreras

Below is the amazing Matthew McAllister playing right from my score of Nostalgia (Petite Melodie), No. 3 from Tres Piezas Faciles, Op.19 by Julio Sagreras (1879 -1942). Such an honour to hear my editions being played by on the world’s…

Grade 3 Lesson: Lección No. 86 by Sagreras

This lesson comes from my new book Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 3 – Seven pieces at the grade three level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece. Lección No. 86 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) – YouTube Video Lesson Link –…

Nostalgia, No.3, Op.19 by Sagreras

No.3 – Nostalgia (Petite Melodie) from Tres Piezas Faciles, Op.19 by Julio Sagreras (1879 -1942) – PDF sheet music for classical guitar. Comes with both a notation-only edition and a tab edition. Intermediate – Grade 4. My PDF Sheet Music…

Grade 1 Lesson: Lección 70 by Sagreras

This lesson comes from my new book Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 1 – Eight pieces at the grade one level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece. Check it out at Werner Guitar Editions! Lección 70 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942),…

Grade 1 Lesson: Lección 75 by Sagreras

This lesson comes from my new book Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 1 – Eight pieces at the grade one level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece. Check it out at Werner Guitar Editions! Lección 75 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942),…

Lección No. 84 by Sagreras – Lesson & Free PDF

Lección No. 84 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) for Classical Guitar. From his method Las Primeras Lecciones de Guitarra. PDF Download, Includes Both Notation-Only & Notation + TAB Editions. Level: Early-Intermediate (Grade 4). YouTube Lesson Link. Free Sheet Music and Free…

Lesson: Lesson 46 by Sagreras (RCM Preparatory)

Lesson 46 by Julio Sagreras for Classical GuitarLevel: RCM Preparatory Grade (Easy, Beginner)Sheet Music Book (Amazon): RCM Guitar Preparatory Book This lesson is for my graded repertoire lesson series which you can find halfway down the lesson archive page. When I…