Julio Sagreras

Leccion No.66 by Julio Sagreras

Lección No.66 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) for classical guitar with performance, lesson, and pdf sheet music. This comes from my sheet music collection Grade 1 Repertoire Supplement for Classical Guitar. Contains 10 works at the grade 1 level and is designed as…

Leccion No.78 by Julio Sagreras

Lección No.78 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) for classical guitar with performance, lesson, and pdf sheet music. This comes from my sheet music collection Grade 1 Repertoire Supplement for Classical Guitar. Contains 10 works at the grade 1 level and is designed as…

Leccion No.77 by Julio Sagreras

Lección No.77 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) for classical guitar with performance, lesson, and pdf sheet music. This comes from my sheet music collection Grade 1 Repertoire Supplement for Classical Guitar. Contains 10 works at the grade 1 level and is designed as…

Sagreras Method Books and Lessons

Julio Salvador Sagreras (1879–1942) was an Argentine classical guitarist, pedagogue, and composer. His many lessons are contained in a multi-volume method method book that mainly teach through progressive studies or etudes (Lessons – Lecciones). His first method book of lessons Las…

Tariq Harb Plays El Colibri by Sagreras

Tariq Harb performs El Colibri by Argentinian composer and guitarist Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) on classical guitar. This comes via Harb’s fantastic YouTube channel. As Harb mentions, “It is a virtuosic composition written for the classical guitar that is meant to imitate the hummingbird.” Zippy performance…

Lección No.61, Book 1 by Sagreras

Lección No.61, Book 1, by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942). Free PDF sheet music for Classical Guitar with video lesson and performance. From his 1st method Las Primeras Lecciones de Guitarra. Late-Beginner or Easy-Intermediate (Post-Method Book Volume 1). PDF download. My Free PDF Sheet Music …

Lección No.48, Book 1 by Sagreras (Free PDF)

Lección No.48, Book 1 by Sagreras

Lección No.48, Book 1, by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942). Free PDF sheet music for Classical Guitar with video lesson and performance. From his 1st method Las Primeras Lecciones de Guitarra. Late-Beginner or Easy-Intermediate (Post-Method Book Volume 1). PDF download. My Free PDF Sheet…

Lección No.11, Book 2 by Sagreras

Lección No.11 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) for Classical Guitar. Free PDF sheet music or tab for Classical Guitar with video lesson and performance. From his 2nd method Las Segundas Lecciones de Guitarra. PDF sheet music or tab for Classical Guitar. Left hand fingering.…

Lección No.5, Book 2 by Sagreras (PDF, Lesson)

Lección No.5 by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) for Classical Guitar. From his 2nd method Las Segundas Lecciones de Guitarra. PDF sheet music or tab for Classical Guitar. Left hand fingering. Early-Intermediate (Grade 4). PDF download. Free PDF Sheet Music – Comes with both a notation-only…

Lección No.3, Book 2 by Sagreras (PDF, Lesson)

Lección No.3 (Tiempo de Zamba) by Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) for Classical Guitar. From his 2nd method Las Segundas Lecciones de Guitarra. PDF sheet music or tab for Classical Guitar. Left hand fingering. Early-Intermediate (Grade 4). PDF download. Free PDF Sheet Music –…

Maria Luisa (Mazurka), Op.19 by Sagreras (Lesson, PDF)

Maria Luisa (Mazurka), from Tres Piezas Fáciles, Op.19 by Julio Sagreras (1879-1942). This comes from my Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 5 book. Five pieces at the grade 5 level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece. In this lesson I cover…

Anton Baranov plays Gran Fantasia de Concierto ‘La Triunfal’ by Sagreras

Russian guitarist Anton Baranov plays Gran Fantasia de Concierto ‘La Triunfal’, Op.107 by Argentine composer/guitarist by Julio Sagreras (1879 -1942). This comes via Baranov’s YouTube channel. Brilliant playing as usual by Baranov. Great contrasts between extroverted virtuosity and sensitive and flowing phrasing in…