Jorge Caballero

Tremolo Lesson by Jorge Caballero

The amazing Jorge Caballero gives two lessons on tremolo technique for classical guitar. This comes via his great YouTube Channel. It’s particularly good how he first describes different musical contexts for tremolo and then proceeds to discuss alignment and technique.…

Jorge Caballero plays O Canada

Jorge Caballero is playing a concert up in Canada at Niagara-on-the-Lake Community Centre Sunday March 26th at 7:30pm (see his website for info). Here he plays his own arrangement of the Canadian anthem O Canada, music composed by Calixa Lavallée (1842–1891). It officially became the…

Jorge Caballero plays Evocación by Isaac Albeniz

Jorge Caballero plays Evocación from Book One of the Iberia Suite by Isaac Albéniz (1860–1909) via the Metropolitan Museum of  Art on YouTube. Filmed in the Patio from the Castle of Vélez Blanco at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, February,…

Full Recital by Jorge Caballero

Nice! Over one hour of Jorge Caballero playing in São Paulo, Brasil for the 4º Festival Internacional Leo Brouwer. I really like Jorge’s playing, he has chops to burn and I love his daring transcription.  My only complaint would be that the fast…

Jorge Caballero: A Lesson on Speed for Classical Guitar

An interesting video lesson by Jorge Caballero  about how to play fast and increase your speed on classical guitar. I like his note about the different types of speed. Also, it’s so important for students to know that speed does…