John Dowland

Grade 4 Lesson: Orlando Sleepeth by Dowland

This lesson comes from my book Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 4 – Six pieces at the grade four level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece. Orlando Sleepeth (Poulton No.61) by John Dowland (1563-1626) – YouTube Video Lesson Link.…

Tarleton’s Riserrectione by Dowland for Guitar

Tarleton’s Riserrectione by Dowland for Guitar

Tarleton’s Riserrectione (Poulton No. 59) by John Dowland (1563-1626) – Also called Tarleton’s Resurrection. Originally for lute. Sheet music and TAB for classical guitar. Includes a Notation Only Edition and a Notation + Modern TAB Edition. Left hand fingering. The level is Intermediate…

Cecilio Perera Plays Dowland

Cecilio Perera plays Lachrimæ Pavane (Flow my Tears) by John Dowland (1563-1626) on a replica Renaissance lute made by Renatus Lechner. Recorded in Salzburg, Austria. This comes via his YouTube channel. I love Dowland and Elizabethan music in general. Lachrimæ, or…

The Round Battle Galliard by John Dowland – Sheet music and TAB for classical guitar

The Round Battle Galliard by Dowland for Guitar

The Round Battle Galliard (Poulton No. 39) by John Dowland (1563-1626) – Sheet music and TAB for classical guitar. Includes a Notation-Only Edition and a Notation + Modern TAB Edition. Left hand fingering. The level is Intermediate (Grade 7), generally easy but a…

Christopher Morrongiello Plays Lachrimae by Dowland

Christopher Morrongiello performs Lachrimae (ca. 1590s) by John Dowland (1563–1626), Cambridge University Library manuscript DD.2.11. Filmed in the Chapel from Le Château de la Bastie d’Urfé at The Metropolitan Museum of Art via their YouTube Channel. Great performance of one…

Marco De Biasi Plays Dowland

Marco De Biasi Plays Dowland

Marco De Biasi plays Fantasia [Poulton No.73 – A Fancy] by Elizabethan composer and lutenist John Dowland (1563-1626). This comes via his YouTube Channel. He’s also a great composer, I performed some of Marco De Biasi’s studies (studio) for guitar trio…

Alex Park Plays A Fancy by John Dowland

Alex Park playing A Fancy by Elizabethan composer and lutenist John Dowland (1563-1626) via the excellent Guitar Salon International and their fantastic YouTube channel on a 2019 Dominik Wurth guitar. Dowland is one of my favourite composers and we are very lucky…

DOWLAND – Michael Butten

Dowland by Michael Butten

Dowland by Michael Butten First Hand Records, 2019 Buy or learn more via First Hand Records or Amazon I was very pleased to receive a copy of Michael Button’s new release of works by Elizabethan composer and lutenist John Dowland (1563-1626).…

Mr. Dowland’s Midnight by John Dowland

Mr. Dowland’s Midnight by John Dowland (1563-1626). PDF Sheet Music and Video for Classical Guitar. Includes both a notation-only edition with left hand fingering and a tab edition. The level is Early-Intermediate (Grade 4). This work is found in the Margaret…

Nigel North (Lute) Plays Dowland Set

The wonderful Nigel North (lute) plays a set of works by English composer and lutenist John Dowland (1563–1626). The pieces are: Pavan “Solus cum sola,” Melancholy Galliard, Orlando Sleepeth, Lady Hunsdon’s Puffe. This comes via the Boston Guitarfest back in 2013 and their great YouTube Channel. You can buy…

Xavier Jara’s Program at Boston GuitarFest 2014

Here is Xavier Jara’s performance at the Boston GuitarFest IX (2014) final round in which he won first prize. It’s been fun watching this young player since seeing videos of him from years ago at GFA. Program: A Fancy, P5…