John Cage

John Cage Piano Music Arranged for Guitar

Piano Music Arranged for Guitarby John Cage, arranged by Aaron Larget-CaplanEdition Peters, 2017Sheet Music, Notation, 20 PagesBuy or Learn More at Edition Peters Also see his beautifully recorded album of this music and more via Amazon or iTunes on his…

Six Melodies by John Cage, Arranged for Guitar and Violin

Six Melodies by John CageArranged for Guitar & ViolinArranged by Aaron Larget-CaplanPublished by Edition Peters Buy via Sheet Music Plus: Six Melodies for Violin and Guitar A few months ago I started arranging Six Melodies by American composer John Cage…

Aaron Larget-Caplan plays John Cage

Some nice arrangements of Cage for guitar and violin. Pretty successful arrangements, the contrast of the attack on the guitar and dreamy melody fragments on the violin create a nice mood. Six Melodies by John Cage, Sharan Leventhal – violin,…