Johann Sebastian Bach

Seyoung Park plays Allegro from BWV 998 by Bach

Another great youth guitarist. This is Korean guitarist Seyoung Park who’s been playing since 2009 and, as you can see, has progressed wonderfully. You can also check out more videos of her on her father’s YouTube channel. She does a great…

Matthew McAllister plays Bach – Prelude from Cello Suite No.1

A really nice video, sound, and performance of Bach’s Prelude from Cello Suite No.1, performed by Scottish guitarist Matthew McAllister. I really like how musical McAllister’s performances are, they really speak of care and expression rather than shock and awe.…

Review: Essential Bach Arranged for the Guitar by Lily Afshar

Amazon Link: Essential Bach: Arranged for the Guitar Paperback: 116 pagesPublisher: Mel Bay Publications (December 14, 2012)Level: Intermediate to Advanced. Students could start with the cello works and go from there. Works included: Cello Suite No. 1, BWV 1007 Cello Suite No. 3,…

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Bach & Lesson with PDF for Classical Guitar

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Bach for Guitar

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) – PDF sheet music arranged for classical guitar, from Cantata BWV 147. Comes with both a notation-only edition and a tab edition. The level is intermediate (Grade 4). YouTube Lesson…

Review: Viaggio by Jorge Amaral

Listen to samples or buy:Viaggio by Jorge Amaral via CD Baby, or Amazon Artist Tracks: D Minor Partita BWV 1004 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Invocation y Danza by Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999) Sonata Op. 47 by Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) I recently reviewed Duo Amaral’s Súplica praising…

Kuang Junhong plays Bach Chaconne

J.S. Bach’s Chaconne from the D minor partita played by the youth guitarist Kuang Junhong. Exciting to see the level of youth guitarists these days.