Johann Sebastian Bach

Aufs Lautenwerk by Daniel Lippel

Aufs Lautenwerk by Daniel Lippel

Aufs Lautenwerk by Daniel Lippel “Aufs Lautenwerk presents three beloved masterworks in their original keys on a classical guitar refretted in Baroque well temperament. They were written at and for the keyboard, where each key has its own unique Affekt. Aufs Lautenwerk is…

David Russell Plays Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Bach

David Russell performs Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) recorded in the monastery of Celanova, Spain. This comes via the Omni Foundation and their Youtube channel via the Omni On-Location series, Concerts from Historic Sites. Love the introduction to the…

Prelude, Fugue & Allegro BWV 998 by Bach

Prelude, Fugue & Allegro, BWV 998 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This is truly one of the great works by Bach that is playable on the modern guitar. The Prelude and Allegro being fairly attainable while the fugue pushing the…

Judith Bunk performs Gavotte 1 & 2, BWV 995 by Bach

German guitarist Judith Bunk performs Gavotte 1 & 2 from Suite BWV 995 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) on a 2015 Solveig Kirschner classical guitar. This comes via Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube channel. You can also follow Bunk’s YouTube channel as well.…

Gigue, Suite BWV 996 by Bach (Lesson, PDF)

Gigue (Giga) from Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Performance, Lesson, and Sheet Music for classical guitar. PDF Sheet Music or Tab Edition for BWV 996 Here’s the gigue lesson for my edition of the Suite in…

Dave Belcher Performs Bach & Tisserand

ABOVE – Dave Belcher performs the Sarabande from Cello Suite No. 2, BWV 1008 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via his Youtube channel (go subscribe). Great playing by Belcher with a rhythmic, yet flowing, delivery of the musical…

Christus der ist mein Leben BWV 282 by Bach

Marta Paklar (soprano), Sofia Gvirts (alto), João Moreira (tenor), Matthew Baker (bass), and Mike Fentross (theorbo) perform the chorale ‘Christus der ist mein Leben’ from BWV 282 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes from the absolutely amazing Netherlands Bach Society and…

Sarabande, BWV 996 by Bach (Lesson, PDF)

Sarabande from Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Performance, Lesson, Sheet Music. Sheet Music, Tab, or Free Unfingered Edition (PDF) Here’s the sarabande lesson for my edition of the Suite in E Minor, BWV 996.…

So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife, BWV 515 by Bach

Charles Daniels (tenor), Menno van Delft (harpsichord), Mieneke van der Velden (viola da gamba), and Fred Jacobs (theorbo) perform “So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife” (Each time I take my pipe ’n tobacco) BWV 515 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This…

Courante, BWV 996 by Bach (Lesson, PDF)

Performance, Lesson, Sheet Music: Courante from Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Bach Sheet Music, Tab, or Free Unfingered Edition Here’s the third lesson for my edition of the Suite in E Minor, BWV 996. In this video I…

Sanel Redzic Plays Violin Sonata, BWV 1001 by Bach

Sanel Redžić plays Violin Sonata I, BWV 1001 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via Redžić’s fantastic and very active YouTube channel. Recorded in Schottenkirche Erfurt, Germany. Another entire Bach sonata! I don’t know if he’s covering the entire output but he’s on his…