João Luiz

João Luiz Plays Brouwer

João Luiz Plays Los Guardianes de La Magia by Brouwer

João Luiz performs Los Guardianes de La Magia (dedicated to João Luiz) by Leo Brouwer (b.1939). This comes via his YouTube channel. You might already know João Luiz from the amazing Brasil Guitar Duo. This is the second video of…

João Luiz Plays Mignoniana by Assad

João Luiz plays Mignoniana from 24 Studies for Guitar by Sergio Assad (b.1952). This comes via Luiz’s YouTube channel. Great piece with all the weaving musical lines and rhythmic interest. Wonderful performance by Luiz with such a natural rhythmic momentum and motivic awareness. Here’s what…

Henrique Carvalho Plays Improviso No.3 by Luiz

Brazilian classical guitarist Henrique Carvalho performs Improviso No.3 – Rítmico from Três Improvisos (2021) by João Luiz. This comes via Luiz’s YouTube channel. I’ve featured the playing of João Luiz a number of times on site but love this exciting…

João Luiz plays Fandango by Rodrigo

João Luiz plays Fandango from Tres Piezas Españolas by Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrigo (1901-1999). This comes via his YouTube channel. Luiz has posted a number of semi-causal yet virtuosic home performances that I previously featured. Fantastic musicality with sharp articulations and virtuosic figuration and rhythmic drive. His left…

João Luiz Plays Hermetiana by Sergio Assad

João Luiz plays Hermetiana by Sergio Assad (b.1952). This comes via his YouTube channel. I love these causal yet virtuosic home performances by Luiz. Great musicality, laid-back, yet wonderfully zippy. Here’s what he said about the piece via YouTube (I’m very curious…

Joao Luiz Plays Choro No.1 by Villa-Lobos

João Luiz Plays Chôro No.1 by Villa-Lobos

João Luiz plays Chôro No. 1, “Chôro típico brasileiro” (1920) by Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959). This comes via his YouTube channel. You might already know João Luiz from the amazing Brasil Guitar Duo or from last week with his…

JiJi Plays Xie by João Luiz

JiJi plays Xie by João Luiz. Amazing performance by JiJi who is a fantastic and interesting player that I was not very familiar with. I’m assuming this piece is by João Luiz of the Brasil Guitar Duo and was impressed…