Jakob Schmidt

Weimar Quartet Play Basque Songs by Guridi

Weimar Guitar Quartet (Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, Karmen Stendler, Jakob Schmidt) play Basque Songs by Jesús Guridi (1886 – 1961). You can read about the piece below via Stendler’s YouTube but also see my recent post about their fantastic debut album. Have fun…

Weimar Guitar Quartet – Debut Album

Weimar Guitar QuartetStephanie Jones, Hanna Link, Karmen Stendler, Jakob SchmidtWeimar Guitar Quartet WebsiteDebut Album, Released 2019, Germany Buy or Learn More via their website, or Amazon, iTunes, el al. Having featured the Weimar Guitar Quartet and its members on the…

Weimar Guitar Quartet Play Nebulae by Olga Amelkina-Vera

Weimar Guitar Quartet playing Nebulae by Belorusian composer Olga Amelkina-Vera. The quartet is made up of Karmen Stendler, Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, and Jakob Schmidt. This comes via Stendler’s YouTube channel or Jones’s Youtube. Great playing by this super group of young artists. I really enjoy…

Kaiser Schmidt Duo Play Granados

Kaiser-Schmidt Guitar Duo (Jessica Kaiser and Jakob Schmidt) play Valses Poéticos (Intro & Melodioso) by Enrique Granados (1867–1916). This comes via their YouTube Channel. You can also check their debut CD including this work via their website. Valses Poéticos is a set of…

Kaiser-Schmidt Guitar Duo Play Fauré

Kaiser-Schmidt Guitar Duo (Jessica Kaiser and Jakob Schmidt) play and arrangement of Dolly Suite op. 56 by Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924). This comes via their YouTube Channel. The Dolly Suite, Op. 56, is a collection of pieces for piano four-hands by Gabriel Fauré. Here’s…

Weimar Guitar Quartet Play Sunfish by Westlake

The young Weimar Guitar Quartet playing Sunfish, the 2nd movement from Six Fish by Nigel Westlake. The 1st movement, Guitarfish, was uploaded by Stephanie Jones on her channel.The quartet is made up of Karmen Stendler (who you’ve seen on the site before), Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, and…

Weimar Guitar Quartet Plays Uarekena by Assad

The newly formed Weimar Guitar Quartet playing Uarekena by Brazilian guitarist and composer Sérgio Assad (b.1952). The quartet is made up of Karmen Stendler (who you’ve seen on the site before), Stephanie Jones, Hanna Link, and Jakob Schmidt. This comes via Karmen Stendler’s YouTube channel. Great to see…

Kaiser Schmidt Guitar Duo play Bach

Kaiser Schmidt Guitar Duo plays Sonata I (MVT1) Allegro Moderato BWV 525 by J. S. Bach (1685-1750). Nice arrangement and some very good ensemble skills displayed by this young duo. “Jessica Kaiser and Jakob Schmidt both grew up in Friedberg,…