Jacob Cordover

Kjeldsberg-Cordover Play Folies Duet by Bevilacqua

Nova Vita Duo with Runar Kjeldsberg and Jacob Cordover play Variations pour deux guitares sur les Folies d´Espagne Op.48 by Matteo Bevilacqua (1772 – 1849). This comes via Kjeldsberg’s YouTube channel. Kjeldsberg is playing a Gennaro Fabricatore from 1830 and Cordover…

Jacob Cordover Plays Vals Venezolano No. 3 by Lauro

Jacob Cordover plays Vals Venezolano No. 3 by Antonio Lauro (1917-1986) on a 2008 Andrea Tacchi guitar. This comes via the excellent Siccas Guitars in Germany and their YouTube. Venezuelan composer Antonio Lauro wrote a sizeable amount of guitar music filled with Venezuelan…