Irina Kulikova

Irina Kulikova Plays Ständchen by Schubert

Irina Kulikova performs Ständchen by Franz Schubert (1797–1828) on a 2022 Ramin Fallah classical guitar. This comes via Siccas Guitars and their YouTube channel. The arrangement is by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) who arranged many of Schubert’s lieder for solo guitar and often played guitar accompaniments…

Irina Kulikova Plays Allegro Solemne from La Catedral by Barrios

Irina Kulikova performs the third movement, Allegro Solemne from La Catedral by Agustín Barrios Mangoré (1885–1944). This comes via Guitar Salon International and their YouTube channel on a 2022 Eric Sahlin guitar. A very energetic performance by Kulikova with some nice definition to the lines. If you’re…

Irina Kulikova plays Vassiliev Mogiana

Russian guitarist Irina Kulikova playing Konstantin Vassiliev‘s Mogiana on a 2007 Gernot Wagner classical guitar. Recorded at the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA. This comes via their great YouTube channel. Great playing from Kulikova, clean, articulate, nice…

Irina Kulikova plays Torroba Sonatina

Russian born guitarist, now based in the Netherlands, Irina Kurikova plays plays Sonatina by Spanish composer Federico Moreno Torroba (1891-1982) at the “Altamira Night” concert in Shanghai Oriental Art Center. This is via Altamira Guitars and their YouTube. Super crisp…