Hubert Käppel

The Bible of Classical Guitar Technique by Hubert Käppel

The Bible of Classical Guitar Technique by Hubert Käppel 

The Bible of Classical Guitar Technique by Hubert Käppel – With 245 pages of exercises and excellent text advice, photos, explanations, and tons of exercises, this is a massive collection and cumination of Käppel’s amazing teaching career. It’s a huge…

Lesson: Arpeggio Patterns on Single Strings

Lesson of the Week for Classical Guitar Practicing Arpeggio Patterns on Open Strings The three main benefits of this are: 1. Increased Right Hand Accuracy, 2. Creation of a compact hand position, and 3. Reminding the thumb to play in front…

Spotlight: Heike Matthiesen, guitarist

I’m very happy to present this spotlight and interview with guitarist Heike Matthiesen. Heike is very active online and at concerts, festivals, as well as recording. It’s a real pleasure getting to know such a great player and such a kind…