Heitor Villa-Lobos

Marko Topchii Plays Villa-Lobos Etude 7

Ukraine born guitarist Marko Topchii playing Etude No. 7 by Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887–1959). Here Marko is playing the preliminary round at the 3rd Changsha International Guitar Competition 2014, Changsha, China. Here are the results of the finals:1st prize: Marko…

Sanel Redžić plays Etude No. 1 by Villa-Lobos

Sanel Redžić plays Etude No. 1 by Heitor Villa-Lobos via Siccas Guitars. Here he is playing on a 1986 Kevin Aram. I like the rubato and directional phrasing he takes with this well known piece. Too often people just power through…