full concerts

Filippos Manoloudis Classical Guitar Concert

Greek guitarist Filippos Manoloudis performs a concert with repertoire by John Dowland (1563-1626), Fernando Sor (1778–1839), Manuel Maria Ponce (1882-1948), Jubing Kristianto (b.1966), and Duke Ellington (1899-1974). This comes via the Siccas Guitars and their YouTube channel. Manoloudis received a recording session at Siccas…

Eleonora Perretta Classical Guitar Concert

Italian guitarist Eleonora Perretta performs a concert with repertoire by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757), Agustín Barrios Mangoré (1885–1944), and Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909). This comes via the Siccas Guitars and their YouTube channel. Fantastic playing by Perretta with excellent rhythmic drive, clear articulations, and some brilliant…

50 Minute Concert Video by Gohar Vardanyan

The spectacular Gohar Vardanyan plays LIVE from Baldwin Wallace Int’l Guitar Festival. A full 50min video of some great classics. Note the Canadian guitar luthier too: 2012 Jean Rompré. PROGRAMSuite in A Minor by Manuel Maria PonceUn Sueño en la Floresta…

Full Recital by Jorge Caballero

Nice! Over one hour of Jorge Caballero playing in São Paulo, Brasil for the 4º Festival Internacional Leo Brouwer. I really like Jorge’s playing, he has chops to burn and I love his daring transcription.  My only complaint would be that the fast…

A Full Recital by Williams & Bream

A full recital by John Williams and Julian Bream. 53mins with all the concert talk etc. This is such a treat. “A friendly combat”!!!

A Guitar Recital by Julian Bream

The legendary guitarist Julian Bream gives a recital of Bach, Villa-Lobos, Albeniz, and Britten. BBC 2, 1978 at Old Wardour Castle. 49 mins of video.