Federico Mompou

Ferran Talarn plays Cançó i dansa No.13 by Mompou

Ferran Talarn plays Cançó i dansa No.13 by Federico Mompou (1893-1987). This comes via Open Strings Berlin and their amazing Youtube Channel. Always love OSB videos for their thoughtful touches, such as the making of this video: “To transport Ferran’s…

Aros Guitar Duo Play Cuna from Impresiones Intimas by Mompou

Danish group Aros Guitar Duo with Mikkel Egelund Nielsen and Simon Wildau play their arrangement of Cuna from the piano work Impresiones Intimas by Federico Mompou (1893-1987). This comes via Nielsen’s great Youtube channel. The video is from their debut concert from the Royal Academy of Musik, Aarhus –…

Eden Stell Guitar Duo Play Mompou

The excellent Eden Stell Guitar Duo have an upcoming CD release: Cançons i Danses by Federico Mompou (1893-1987). This is just a live excerpt. This comes via their great YouTube. Cançons i Danses (English: Songs and Dances) is a collection…

Laura Snowden Plays Cuna by Mompou

Laura Snowden performing Cuna from Suite Compostelana from Spanish composer Federico Mompou (1893–1987). “Audio by Declan Zapala. Video by Jon Fairey.With thanks to the St John’s Smith Square Young Artists Programme.” FYI, “Laura Snowden was selected by Julian Bream to…

Kevin Gallagher Plays Mompou

New York based guitarist Kevin R. Gallagher plays the Prelude from Suite Compostelana by Spanish composer and pianist Frederic Mompou (1893–1987). Fantastic performance with great phrasing and articulations. Also nice colouring throughout. Gallagher was the first-prize winner in the 1993…