Enrique Granados

Guitar Duo Vito Play Valses Poeticos No.1 by Granados

South Korean siblings, Guitar Duo Vito (Soojin Lee & Seongjun Lee) play Valses Poeticos No.1 Melodico by Enrique Granados (1867–1916). This comes via their excellent YouTube channel. I’ve featured the duo once before playing a duo arrangement of Asturias by Albeniz. Clean…

Kaiser Schmidt Duo Play Granados

Kaiser-Schmidt Guitar Duo (Jessica Kaiser and Jakob Schmidt) play Valses Poéticos (Intro & Melodioso) by Enrique Granados (1867–1916). This comes via their YouTube Channel. You can also check their debut CD including this work via their website. Valses Poéticos is a set of…

Luke Trimble & Stephan Kane Play Granados

Luke sent me this yesterday which is perfect as today is the anniversary of Granados’ death. The Kailua Guitar Duo (Luke Trimble & Stephan Kane) play Intermezzo: from the Opera Goyescas, by Spanish composer Enrique Granados (1867–1916). Here’s a blurb…

Judicael Perroy Plays Valses Poeticos by Granados

Judicael Perroy in concert plays Valses Poeticos by Spanish composer Enrique Granados (1867–1916). The transcription is by Shin Ichi Fukuda (Amazon). Paris born Judicael won GFA back in 1997 and continues to wow audiences. He currently resides in Paris and…

Marcin Dylla Plays Valses Poéticos by Granados

Marcin Dylla Plays Valses Poéticos by Enrique Granados arr. Paolo Pegoraro. A wonderful performance with colour, charm, and an abundance of virtuosity. Dylla just gets better and better…movements: Vivace molto and MelodicoTempo de Vals nobleTempo de Vals lentoAllegro humoristicoAllegretto (elegante)Quasi…