
SoloDuo Play Sonata no. 8, op. 13 “Pathétique” by Beethoven

The amazing Italian guitar duo SoloDuo (Lorenzo Micheli & Matteo Mela) play Sonata no. 8, op. 13 (“Grande Sonate Pathétique”), I. Grave – Allegro di molto e con brio, II. Adagio cantabile, III. Rondo: Allegro by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827). This comes via Micheli’s great…

Duet: Toy for Two Lutes by Robinson

Bradford Werner and Natasha play Toy for Two Lutes by Thomas Robinson (c. 1560 – 1610) – From the The Schoole of Musicke. This period lute duet is arranged for 2 guitars in score format. It includes notation only and is a PDF download. Includes…

Duet: Lesson for Two Lutes – Anonymous

Natasha and I play Lesson for Two Lutes – Anonymous – This period lute duet is arranged for 2 guitars. From the ‘Dowland Lute Book’ (Folger Shakespeare Library, Ms. V.b.280). Big thanks to Natasha for joining me. It includes notation only and is a…

Adam Cicchillitti & Steve Cowan Play Rodrigo

Canadian guitarists Adam Cicchillitti & Steve Cowan play an excerpt of the 1st movement from Tonadilla by Joaquín Rodrigo (1901–1999). Video by the amazing  Drew Henderson. This comes via Cicchillitti’s YouTube Channel. Here’s his blurb: This is an excerpt of the 1st movement from Tonadilla by Joaquin Rodrigo.…

Free Method Duet: The Skye Boat Song

Method Book Lessons: Beginner Guitar DuetThe Skye Boat Song – Trad. ScottishFYI: The Capriccio by Logy is no longer in the book so just ignore it.  Free PDF Method Book & Lesson List: Classical Guitar Method Vol. 1Youtube Video Link These…

Free Method Duets – Minuet by Hook & Flow Gently, Sweet Afton

Method Book Lessons: Beginner Guitar DuetsMinuet by James Hook (1746-1827)Flow Gently, Sweet Afton – Scottish Folk Song Free PDF Method Book & Lesson List: Classical Guitar Method Vol. 1Youtube Video Link (4k Quality) These are duets for beginners who have learned the notes…

Free Method: Beginner Duets by Czerny, Wilton, Diabelli

Method Book Lessons: Beginner Guitar DuetsWaltz by Carl Czerny (1791-1857)Minuet by C. H. Wilton (1761-1832)Morning by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858) Free PDF Method Book & Lesson List: Classical Guitar Method Vol. 1Youtube Video Link These are duets for beginners who have learned the notes…

SoloDuo Play Scarlatti Sonata K. 162

The amazing Italian guitar duo SoloDuo (Lorenzo Micheli & Matteo Mela) play Sonata K. 162by Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757). Son of his renowned father Alessandro Scarlatti, Domenico was an Italian composer who spent much of his life in the service of the…

Sheu Pettit Duo play Brasilerinhas by Assad

The Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo, Connie Sheu and Adam Pettit, playing Conversa de Botequim, the third movement of Clarice Assad’s Brasilerinhas. This comes via the great Guitar Salon International and their YouTube Channel. Guitars: 2005 Pepe Romero Jr.; 1994 Miguel Rodriguez ‘Centenario’. “Brazilian-American Clarice Assad is a…

Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo Play Castelnuovo-Tedesco

The Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo are Connie Sheu and Adam Pettit playing the 3rd movement of Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo–Tedesco’s (1895–1968) Sonatina Canonica on two “pre-Millenium” guitars built by Thomas Humphrey (so-called because they pre-date his famous Millenium model guitars. Recorded…

SoloDuo play Scarlatti

Italian guitar duo: SoloDuo (Lorenzo Micheli & Matteo Mela) play Sonata K 386 by Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757). Son of renowned father Alessandro Scarlatti, Domenico was an Italian composer who spent much of his life in the service of the Portuguese and…

Luke Trimble & Stephan Kane Play Granados

Luke sent me this yesterday which is perfect as today is the anniversary of Granados’ death. The Kailua Guitar Duo (Luke Trimble & Stephan Kane) play Intermezzo: from the Opera Goyescas, by Spanish composer Enrique Granados (1867–1916). Here’s a blurb…