Douglass Scott

Douglass Scott Guitar

2015 Douglass Scott Guitar for Sale

Douglass Scott has a used guitar for sale if anyone is interested. I’ve been playing my 2018 Scott for all my practicing, performing and recording since I received it. Love the beautiful clean workmanship and balanced, elegant sound. He’s also…

Felix Dallaire & Chris Habib on Scott Guitars

A nice shout out to Scott guitars! Felix Dallaire & Chris Habib perform Variations on a Sarabande by Handel by Ferdinand Rebay (1880-1953) & Mallorca, Opus 202 by Isaac Albeniz (1860-1906) at the Grand Guitar Salon over in Montreal, Québec, Canada. This comes via…

2018 Douglass Scott Classical Guitar

This is my new 2018 Douglass Scott Classical Guitar. He did a wonderful job on the guitar. It has a clear, elegant, and focused sound and I love the feel of the smaller scale length and body of the instrument.…

2017 Douglass Scott Classical Guitar

2017 Douglass Scott Classical Guitar for Sale – SOLDThis is a new feature on the site: I try out brand new guitars and when I really like the instrument I demo it and recommend it to potential buyers. It’s a…

Drew Henderson Plays Bach on 4 Different Guitars

Drew Henderson performs the Allemande from Suite for lute in E minor BWV 996 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) live at the Grand Guitar Salon over in Montreal, Québec, Canada. Here he’s using 4 different guitars from luthiers: Douglass Scott (Canada), Mathew Rubindall…

Before & After Finishing: A Sound Comparison

Luthier Douglass Scott explores the sound of his guitars before and after applying French polish (Oil varnish back, sides & neck, French polish on soundboard). Read his notes and listen to samples here. To my ears it might sound a…

Hotlink: Douglass Scott Rosette Tribute to Manuel Velazquez

Fellow Vancouver Islander and luthier Douglass Scott has a nice little article about making some rosettes in tribute of Manuel Velazquez who passed away in April. Via his blog. I love his updates, he always includes some personal reflections and…

Interview and New Guitar by Luthier Douglass Scott

I was very pleased to have a nice visit the other day by luthier Douglass Scott. Douglass came over to my home in Victoria where we also had a good chat with Marcus Dominelli. Douglass sets up shop in Ladysmith on Vancouver…