Daniel Shoskes

Daniel Shoskes Plays Fantasie by Morlaye on Renaissance Guitar

Daniel Shoskes, aka Kidney Kutter (he’s a Urologist) plays Fantasie by Guillaume Morlaye (c.1510–c.1558) on Renaissance Guitar by Dan Larson. This comes via Shoskes’ great YouTube channel. Charming piece and well played. Morlaye was a French lutenist, composer and music…

Daniel Shoskes Plays Valderrábano on Vihuela

Daniel Shoskes, aka Kidney Kutter (he’s a Urologist) plays Fantasia #1 Quarto Tono & Duo Pleni Sun from Silva de Sirenas (1547) by Enríquez de Valderrábano (c. 1500-1557) on a gut strung renaissance Vihuela by Dan Larson. This comes via…

The German Baroque: Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

Theme of this week:  The German Baroque (click to see all posts). Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner (1676–1754) is the last composer I’ll feature on this week’s theme of the German Baroque. His music, as his wiki page suggests, is similar to Weiss in many ways.…