Connie Sheu

Sheu Pettit Duo play Brasilerinhas by Assad

The Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo, Connie Sheu and Adam Pettit, playing Conversa de Botequim, the third movement of Clarice Assad’s Brasilerinhas. This comes via the great Guitar Salon International and their YouTube Channel. Guitars: 2005 Pepe Romero Jr.; 1994 Miguel Rodriguez ‘Centenario’. “Brazilian-American Clarice Assad is a…

Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo Play Castelnuovo-Tedesco

The Sheu Pettit Guitar Duo are Connie Sheu and Adam Pettit playing the 3rd movement of Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo–Tedesco’s (1895–1968) Sonatina Canonica on two “pre-Millenium” guitars built by Thomas Humphrey (so-called because they pre-date his famous Millenium model guitars. Recorded…