Tag Bradford Werner

La belle jarretière verte by Doug Jamieson

La belle jarretière verte from A Chopped Up Tale (1987) by Canadian composer Doug Jamieson. Performed on classical guitar by Bradford Werner and recorded with the composer’s permission. This is a charming little work which you can read more about…

Partita No.16 by Giuseppe Brescianello

Partita No.16 in E Minor by Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello (1690-1758). PDF sheet music arranged for classical guitar. Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition in the same pdf. The level is late-intermediate (grade 6-8) depending…

Carcassi Etudes Op.60, No.1-25 Complete

Complete Etudes No.1-25, Op.60 by Matteo Carcassi (1796-1853) performed on classical guitar by Bradford Werner. This comes from my sheet music edition of 25 Etudes, Op.60 by Matteo Carcassi. PDF or hardcopy sheet music for classical guitar. Includes both a notation edition…

Baroque Guitar Works on a Saers Guitar A90

Baroque guitar works performed on a Saers Guitar A90. Here I’m performing two Baroque guitar works to get a bit more out of the Saer guitar that I recently reviewed. The first work is a beautiful little Aria by Italian…

Pastorale, Studi Facili No.15 by Angelo Gilardino

Pastorale, No.15 from Studi facili per chitarra by Angelo Gilardino (b.1941-2022). Published by Edizioni Curci. The subtitle or etude description is: Monodia con suoni armonici sui tasti VII, IX, XII e polifonia (Monody with harmonics on the VII, IX, XII…

Preludio in D Minor by Agustin Barrios Mangore

Preludio in D Minor by Barrios

Preludio in D Minor by Agustin Barrios Mangore (1885-1944). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar. Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is intermediate (Grade 6). This is a…

Pastoral, No.9, Op.15 by François de Fossa

Pastoral, No.9 from Douze Divertissemens, Op.15 by François de Fossa (1775-1849). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar. Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is late-intermediate to early-advanced (Grade 8-9), although short,…

Aria and Capriccio by Francesco Asioli

Aria & Capriccio by Francesco Asioli

Aria and Capriccio by Francesco Asioli (1645-1676). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar arranged by Bradford Werner. Includes both a notation-only edition and separate tab edition. Left hand fingering. The technique level is intermediate, around a Grade 6 but it’s a mature work in…

Lachrimae (Poulton No.15) by John Dowland for Guitar

Lachrimae (Poulton No.15) by John Dowland (1563-1626). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar. Originally for Renaissance lute. Includes both a notation-only edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is early-advanced (grade 9). This is a PDF Download. My PDF Sheet…

Sonata No.4 in E Minor, Op.31 by Matiegka

Sonata No.4 in E Minor, Op.31 by Matiegka

Sonata No.4 in E minor, Op.31 by Wenzel Thomas Matiegka (1773-1830). PDF Sheet music for classical guitar. Three movements: I. Allegro Moderato, II. Schezo and Trio, III. Capricio. Mainly open position playing. Intermediate or advanced depending on the tempo. Approximately grade 8…

Suite pour Guitare Op.41 by Jacques Hétu

Bradford Werner plays Suite pour Guitare Op.41 by Canadian composer Jacques Hétu (1938–2010). I’ve been meaning to record this suite for a long time. The suite was commissioned and premiered by Alvaro Pierri with support of the Canada Council for…

Gigue, Suite BWV 996 by Bach (Lesson, PDF)

Gigue (Giga) from Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Performance, Lesson, and Sheet Music for classical guitar. PDF Sheet Music or Tab Edition for BWV 996 Here’s the gigue lesson for my edition of the Suite in…