Boyd Meets Girl

Boyd Meets Girl Play Debussy and New Album

Boyd Meets Girl (guitarist Rupert Boyd and cellist Laura Metcalf) perform their own arrangement of Arabesque No.1 by French composer Claude Debussy (1862-1918). This recording is featured on their new album Songs of Love & Despair. Beautiful performance and arrangement by Boyd and Metcalf. The…

Boyd Meets Girl Play Michael Jackson’s Human Nature

The amazing Boyd Meets Girl (Australian guitarist Rupert Boyd & American cellist Laura Metcalf) perform their own arrangement of Michael Jackson’s Human Nature. This recording will be featured on their debut album on the Sono Luminus label (I made a new release post about…

New Release: Boyd Meets Girl (Cello & Guitar)

Boyd Meets Girl (Sono Luminus), 2017Duo Website: boydmeetsgirlduo.comRupert Boyd, guitar & Laura Metcalf, cello Buy or Listen to Samples via Amazon: Boyd Meets GirlFull Release on July 28th, Pre-orders Available. Rupert Boyd & Laura Metcalf have been featured on the site…