
Barre Exercise for Classical Guitar

Lesson: Barre Exercise for Classical Guitar – This is Exercise No. 16 from my pdf book 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar for beginner to intermediate classical guitarists. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips, video lessons. YouTube Lesson Link. The technique of…

Barre Lessons and Exercises for Guitar

The following lessons focus on playing and practicing barre (bar, capo, car chords) on classical guitar. The first overview lesson covers a definition, context, and some exercises to help your bar technique. Check out my method and technique books at…

Barre Exercise for Classical Guitar with Matthew McAllister

Matthew McAllister demonstrates a simple exercise to help with bar chords and the barre technique on classical guitar. This comes via his amazing YouTube channel. I also really like the below exercise. String Specific Barre Correction – Try to apply pressure…

Barre Exercise for Classical Guitar

This is a new video lesson for my book: 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar – For beginner to intermediate classical guitarists (Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips).I’ve been meaning to re-record some of these with better video quality. This exercise & lesson,…

Scott Morris Lesson on Barring Technique

Scott Morris gives a lesson on Barring Technique (the Barre). This comes via the excellent GSI (Guitar Salon International), thanks! Their blurb: “In this lesson Scott addresses the topic of barring – when and how to bar, and also when…