Angelo Gilardino

Antonio Rugolo Plays Studio No.9, Fantasia by Gilardino

Antonio Rugolo performs Studio No.9 – Fantasia (Omaggio a Roberto Gerhard) from Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza by Angelo Gilardino (1941-2022). This comes via Rugolo’s YouTube channel. I rarely pass on sharing any performance of Angelo Gilardino‘s Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza, which are some of my…

Antonio Rugolo Plays Studio No. 6 (Goya) by Gilardino

Antonio Rugolo performs Studio No. 6 – Soledad (Omaggio a Francisco Goya) from Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza by Angelo Gilardino (B. 1941). This comes via his YouTube channel. This is one of my favourite studies from Angelo Gilardino‘s Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza. Although the compositional style…

Pastorale, Studi Facili No.15 by Angelo Gilardino

Pastorale, No.15 from Studi facili per chitarra by Angelo Gilardino (b.1941-2022). Published by Edizioni Curci. The subtitle or etude description is: Monodia con suoni armonici sui tasti VII, IX, XII e polifonia (Monody with harmonics on the VII, IX, XII…

Antonio Rugolo Performs Studi 18 by Gilardino

Antonio Rugolo performs Studi n.18 – Rosario (Omaggio a Manuel de Falla) from Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza by Angelo Gilardino (B. 1941). This comes via his YouTube channel. I love Angelo Gilardino‘s Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza. Although the…

Andrea De Vitis Plays Into the Rose-Garden by Gilardino

Andrea De Vitis plays Into the rose-garden (in memory of Julian Bream) by Angelo Gilardino (B. 1941). This comes via his great YouTube channel. The passing of Bream has brought back so many memories of the excellent work and music…

Bradford Werner – Gilardino Studi No.6 & No.18

Bradford Werner Plays Gilardino etudes in Victoria, BC, 2016. I love these Angelo Gilardino‘s Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza. Although the compositional style is very pattern oriented and guitaristic, the etudes are filled with a huge wealth of musical…

Alberto Mesirca Plays Scarlatti and Gilardino

The amazing Italian guitarist Alberto Mesirca plays Sonata K239 by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) and Studio n.49 – Paesaggio ligure from Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza by Angelo Gilardino (b. 1941). This comes via the Paris Guitar Foundation and their…

Angelo Gilardino: Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza

Angelo Gilardino‘s Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza. Although the compositional style is very pattern-oriented and guitaristic the etudes are filled with a huge wealth of musical ideas. Each one has a dedication and resembles the style of the dedicati…